Chapter Seventeen

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~19 weeks~

It had been exactly one whole week since Maeve and Luke had found out the gender of their baby. Luke had been smug since, of course Maeve was happy, thrilled even, but she was so sure she was going to have a boy. However, Maeve was constantly reading through baby names but none of them fitted, even unisex names. But no name just seemed perfect. Luke had suggested a few that caused her to grimace and causing him to throw his head back with laughter.

But today, today was Sunday. Maeve cherished her Sunday's as a relaxing day. She was wrapped up in Luke's bed in his new house. Petunia was snuggled by her feet, Luke was strumming away in his new free space studio. The walls were blank and pain for now, a few boxes still unpacked but the famous acoustic Maeve had gifted him was perched in his hands.

Maeve stirred and slowly opening her eyes, staring at the empty space beside her with a frown. That was until she heard his voice from down the hall, soft-spoken. Stretching and yawning, she slowly climbed out of the bed and wrapped her arms around her body.

The autumn weather had decided to pick up and winter felt like it was just around the corner. Luke's voice grew at each step Maeve took, a smile appearing on her face as he strummed with his voice.

Maeve pushed open the door slightly, and just in the small gap that she could see through. Luke had his back to her, facing the little window that looked out their backyard. Glasses sitting on the edge of his nose as he stared down at little lyric book. Leaning forward a couple of times, scribbling out words and replacing them, or adding.

Maeve walked inside and snuck up behind him, her hands coming down to his shoulders. Luke froze before leaning into her soft touch and leaning back into the chair.

"What are you working on now?" Maeve asked in a hushed voice, she came round and leant against the table and watched as he turned in his chair to face her fully. His eyes had danced over face, down her body and back up again.

"Just a 10 year anniversary song for the fans. We're thinking of setting up some show that premieres for free on the third of December." Luke plucked at the strings and watched how her eyes flickered to his hands and back to his face.

"Yeah? You want me to photograph all the shots that day?" Maeve asked and Luke opened his mouth and then closed it.

"Only if you're feeling up for it. If not, we'll get backup just in case." Luke told her and placed the acoustic down, he rolled the chair back slightly and allowed Maeve to stand between his legs.

"I'll be fine. Though last night she did not settle once. Fidgeted all night in there." Maeve giggled, her hands cupping his jaw, fingers grazing over his stubble.

Luke grinned and held her hips gently before he leaned into her bump. His lips pressed against her clothes "My mum used to say that I was like that as a baby." Luke told her and Maeve hummed with a look that told him she was not surprised.

"Speaking of my mother. You know when I told you I'd like you to meet her and the rest of my family?" Luke asked, his cheeks slightly pink and Maeve opened and closed her mouth.

"Yes." Maeve finally answered softly, her eyes dancing over his face. Maeve's fingers laced into small curls and cocked her head to the side slightly.

Luke pressed his fingers into her back and stared up into her honey-like eyes, he cleared his throat and blinked a few times. "How would you feel with taking a two week trip to Sydney with me in a few days. Just before we start on the ten-year anniversary of 5sos?"

Luke never truly was nervous to say something, of course he had been nervous. Heck, he still gets nervous before each show. Bouncing from one foot to another, humming along to playlist that was playing to the fans and them. So the only thing that had been keeping him calm was her fingers twisting and holding onto his curls. And let's not forget his fingers pressed to her back, massaging her back every so often just to keep some sort of focus. Her eyes also were intimidating, they held so much inside of them. But they were also soft and sweet, maybe it wasn't much like honey, but Caramel. Whereas, Honey can be thick. But so can caramel depending on length, and of course Maeve was only small and her eyes were not wide nor small, so it was the perfect texture that would ooze. She was his Caramel.

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