Chapter Thirty-Two

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June 10th 2022

The sun was warm against her skin. Her slow and steady breaths were the only sound in the room. She watched the world go by as they passed the window, little hands holding tightly onto the larger ones. Some held more wrinkled ones and she smiled. She twirled the ring on her finger as she watched the trees sway softly and the sunlight beams moved with the sway.

"Good afternoon, Maeve. How are we feeling?" Dr Matthews walked into the room with a clipboard in hand. A tight lipped smile plastered on his face once she turned to look up at his face.

"I'm fine. You?" Maeve asked, her leg rapidly bouncing as her teeth sunk into her lip as he stared at his notes.

"Yes, I'm all good. It's good to hear you're fine. Although I'm slightly concerned Maeve." The woman sighed and closed her eyes. Dr Matthews sat in the seat opposite her and she focused on the ticking clock behind her rather than his next words.

"I've looked at your medical notes and saw that you had an attack at the hospital. I heard it was life threatening and they almost had to perform cardiac arrest. Please listen when I say this Maeve, this illness progresses and will-can harm you. You need to exercise your lungs as much as possible." Dr Matthews voice became white noise and Maeve stared at him blankly. The same words he had been telling her for the last seven years.

"But it does nothing. It won't save me in the end. We both know that. All it does is to lessen the pain when it finally happens. I know I'm dying. But let me tell you something, Doctor." Maeve leaned in close and Dr Matthews raised a brow as she stared into his eyes. A slight glimmer in her dark brown eyes, he had no idea if it was her watery eyes or happiness.

"I'm ready."


"I know it's early. But, happy birthday!" Luke walked out with a small cake in hand. Maeve sat upright, her eyes wide as she watched the flames on the candle flicker towards her.

"Make a wish." He whispered softly and Maeve smiled before she blew out the candles with closed eyes.

Maeve was surrounded by her friends and soft music played from inside the house. Luke helped Maeve cut the cake and dished the pieces out. Maeve put crumbs of the cake on her finger and gave little bits to Elizabeth who poked her tongue out each time.

Maeve giggled each time and Luke looked over and smiled when Elizabeth kicked her feet and made small noises with her mouth. Crystal held onto Michael's arm as they watched and she looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"I think we gave Crystal and Michael the family bug." Luke whispered into Maeve's ear. Maeve glanced up at the couple and a small smile appeared on her face.

"They'd be amazing parents." Maeve told him and looked back at Luke, she craned her neck slightly to look up at him.

Luke hummed softly and placed his hand behind her and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. Elizabeth squealed loudly and reached out to grab Maeve's hand. Her blonde hair that was almost white had started to curl, Maeve would run her fingers through her hair. But Elizabeth also had the same smile as Maeve, and Luke couldn't help but smile each time he saw hers.

"You know. I still can't believe you're leaving the day of my birthday and our wedding anniversary." Maeve whispered with a smirk and Luke frowned down at Maeve, he lifted his hand that was behind her and held her hip softly.

"You know if I had it my way, I'd change those dates." Luke sighed softly and gave her body a small squeeze. "But just think, a few days later I'll be back in Los Angeles, you'll come and see me twice live. Front row." He held her jaw so she was looking up at him.  Maeve pursed her lips together and Luke smiled before leaning down and pressed a kiss against her pouting lips.

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