Important Announcement

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Hello, Lovelies!

First off, I want to apologize if you have recently started reading Never Say Never and things didn't make sense. The reason for that is somehow the chapters are all out of order. I noticed it last night when the Epilogue was in the middle of the story. Like what the actual hell!  I do not know how long it has been like that, so I sincerely apologize for that even if it was out of my control. I have never had or seen that happen before. So, now I am skimming through them to put them in order and will be reposting them as I go. 

If for some strange reason it happens again, it will be posted with numbers before the title of the chapter so hopefully there is no more confusion.

Thank you everyone with all my heart for giving this story and any of my other stories a chance. I appreciate you and it so damn much!

Until next time


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