50. Turmoil

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                                                                                       J O S H

The tears fall down my face, I cannot stop them from falling. How could I have been so blind? I run out of the house so damn fast. I just don't know what to do. My hands shake and I feel like I am going to vomit. My heart feels like someone is ripping it out of my chest. How could he do this to me? I stop to catch my breath and that's when I heave over and empty the contents of my stomach.

The image is burned into my retinas, and if I did not see it with my own two eyes, I would not have believed it. I look around after I'm sure nothing else is going to be spewing out of my mouth and do not recognize where I am at. How long have I been running? I grab my phone and want to call my bestie, but I know she will just possibly defend him and right now...I do not want to hear it when all I see is them together. Besides she already has enough going on, and is probably on her way back home to Texas by now.

"Josh, what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

"Can y-you come get me?"

"Hey! Are you okay?" The waterworks start and I feel like I am going to hyperventilate. "Shit! Breathe Josh. Send me your location and I'll come get you." I share my location and I slump down to the ground and hug my knees and bow my head. "Josh!" I hear him yell and pick up the phone again sluggishly. "Should be there in about fifteen minutes. I'm going to call Ryder." My heart starts racing and my breathing gets heavier.

"No, Jaxon! Do not call him." I grit through my teeth. Just thinking about him shatters my heart even more. "I never want to see him again."

                                                                                  8 Hours Earlier

                                                                                          R Y D E R

After the visit to Zach, we walk out of the hospital and decide to meet back at the hotel that River is staying at I guide Josh to the car with him leaning against me. I savor every moment we have together I just wish none of this shit was going on. Then again maybe I would have never met him. I shake that thought from my head because I cannot imagine him being in my life now. What the hell has this man done to me? We get in and I start the engine and take off. The car ride is silent both of us stuck in our own mind. I take a deep breath when he reaches over and grabs my hand. I give his hand a squeeze and get us to the hotel within twenty minutes.

Once at the hotel we get out of the car and into the lobby heading towards the elevator. Josh inhales a deep breath as soon as the doors open and we step in. I do not hesitate to bring him to my chest and he clings onto me shuddering a breath. I lift his chin and capture his lips. I do not know what Zach has said to him, but it has him shaken up and I just want to see that smile again. When we pull apart, he gives me a small smile then rest his head on my chest until the door dings to open and he steps away from me. I just want to grab his hand and hold on tight but right now is not the time. I do not want people to know he is my weakness, but he is also my strength that I didn't know I needed.

"Thank you, Cowboy." I look down and smile at him as I knock on River's door.

"Anytime, my light." I whisper in his ear, and I see him physically shiver, this makes me smirk, but I wipe the smirk off my face as soon as Riv opens the door. Because now it is time to find out what the fuck is going on. "Let's get this over with so we all can go on with our lives." I give Riv a questionable look, but he just shrugs it off. He looks irritated as all hell, and I believe it has something to do with Katrina.

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