52. Something's Not Right

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                                                                                         R Y D E R

My mind is still foggy even after I got arrested. How the hell did Candice end up at my place, dead and me with blood on my hands? None of this makes sense and especially why Josh thinks it's his fault. I am just glad he is okay. Before I could even ask him what he was talking about the stupid prick creeping on us in the corner told us time was up. Worse of all is that I can't even protect him now because of who did this and set me up.

I am woken up when there is a bang on the cell door, and I grumble as I lift my head. "Rise and shine dickhead." I snap my head up and the creepy cop is smirking at me. Before I can say anything else I hear the click clacking of high heels and now it is my turn to smirk.

"You better not be harassing my client, or it will be your ass behind these bars." God, I love mama Kate. 

"No ma'am."

"Good, now open up the cell we have a trial to prepare for." He opens up the cell and I step out craning my neck to get the creak out of it. I follow Kate to where she signs me out and picks up a bag and hands it to me. "Go get changed, because we have your arraignment to get to." She smiles at me; I nod my head and head to the bathroom. The moment I get in there I almost stumble back. "Josh." He rushes over to me and jumps in my arms. "I'm so sorry Cowboy." He hugs me tight, and I am just glad he is okay.

"It's okay." I rub my hand down his back and try not to drop the suit. Oh, the hell with I drop the bag and hold him tight. He shakes his head and buries his face in my neck. I breathe in his scent, but slowly make him get down to where he is on his own two feet.

"It's not Ryder." I frown as he uses my name. I pull back to look at him and it looks like he hasn't slept. "I thought you and her were." He shakes his head, and a tear slips down his face. I move forward and brush my lips to his and instead of reciprocating he backs away. "I can't Ryder. I thought you were fucking her!" He steps back and grips the sink. There is a knock on the bathroom door and then it opens slightly. 

"Five minutes and we got to go." Kate says to me and then closes the door quickly. I walk up behind Josh and wrap my arms around him. Even though it hurts that he thought I would, but I can understand his train of thought.  I kiss his neck and he just molds into my touch and I fucking love it. "I understand." I mumble into his neck. "If I saw what you did. I would have gone ballistic. I would never be with anyone while I am with you Josh... never." He turns around in my hold. "Even if we do not have labels, you are mine." I crash my lips to his and this time he responds, and I am so damn happy he is not running from what this is between us.

I pull away and rest my forehead against his. "I need to get ready and get to court." I kiss his lips one more time. Then pull back and get the bloody clothes off of my body and start putting the suit on. I watch as Josh bite his bottom lip. "Don't tempt me to skip my own hearing Josh. Because right now you are very tempting." He rolls his eyes playfully and slaps his hand on my shoulder. I grab his hand hold it into mine. I look at our hands and never once did someone fit so perfectly with me, until he came along. 

"We need to go."  I say as I step away, because if I stay this close to him, I will rip his clothes off and be buried inside him. He is just that damn tempting to me. We walk to the door after I throw away my old clothes. I do not want those back at all. I may have despised her, but I didn't want her dead, and I don't need a reminder with her blood on my clothes. 

I hold his hand all the way to the door and reluctantly let go as I open the door and we step out. "Took you long enough." I go to say something, but she starts walking towards the exit and we follow behind her. Once we get to her car Kate opens the back door and Josh gets in and then she looks at me expectantly. "Get in Ryder." I get in and sit next to Josh and our hands are so close that I brush my pinkie against his hand. When Kate gets in, she smiles at us. "Just don't make out in my car." Josh starts coughing like he is choking, and I pat his back.

Apparently, everyone close to us knows. "Oh, sweetie don't be so shocked. You know who my son is, and I saw the worry in your eyes the other night. Don't worry I won't say anything." She says to Josh as she drives away. Hell, if she knows I grab a hold of his hand. I do not get to do this often so I will take the opportunity when I can. Kate starts talking about how this is just going to be if I will have to stay in jail or if I can be out until the trial starts. Josh squeezes my hand, and I can see the swirl of emotions in his eyes.

"It's not your fault." I whisper in his ear. 

"We're here." 

I let go of Josh's hand as I get out of the car and all of the sudden there is camera's flashing everywhere. "Kate, this is going to put Josh in danger." I say before he can step out of the car. Next thing I see is Jaxon and Lucas walking up. I grab a hold of Jaxon and whisper in his ear. "Do not let them get pictures of Josh." He nods his head as Kate and I walk towards the courthouse. I want to look back, but I do not want to draw attention to him.

"Is it true that you were a jealous lover and that's why you killed her."


I hear all different things from reporters to bystanders. "How the hell did this get out so quickly?" It was like we were trying to get through a damn mob. "I don't know Ryder, but something is not right." I agree, I mean Candice was not a celebrity and I'm just an ex-military man. We finally get in and get rushed to the courtroom. Luckily in here there is not any reporters they will not let them in the courthouse. The door opens again, and I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Jaxon and Lucas walk in with Josh.

I hear the Judges gavel and it gets extremely quiet. "I went over this case of the State of Ohio vs. Ryder Allan Dawson in the case of murder in the first degree of one Candice Naomi Brown. Mr. Dawson how do you plead."

I stand up and take a deep breath. "Not guilty your honor." He nods his head and then looks over to the prosecution. 

"Your honor, we believe that Mr. Dawson is a flight risk and considering he is a highly trained ex-military operative. We believe that he should not be able to post bail." I look back and see my brother and my family and hear the whispers of worry. He hits his gavel again and it is silent.

"I do not think that will be necessary, since trial is going to proceed tomorrow at 10AM. Mr. Dawson will remain in the custody of Mrs. Katherine Reynolds. Court is adjourned."  He hits the gavel and leaves the room. 

"Doesn't a trial usually take months to start." I ask Kate as we all walk out of the courtroom.  Josh, Lucas and Josh walk out a different way than the rest of us. 

"Sometimes, apparently not this one."

Something definitely doesn't seem right. Hopefully we can find out who is behind this once and for all.

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