14. Getting Educated

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                                                                                      R Y D E R

I wake up to a warmth I can't explain, I can feel my heart beating a little bit faster than normal. When I open my eyes, I see why...Josh. This man, I honestly don't know what to do about him. His body is splayed over mine with head on my chest and one leg draped over mine. It doesn't go unnoticed that my arm is pressed against his back. 

What the hell happened last night? I don't remember having a nightmare. I have had them every night since I have been back, and even before then, but not last night. I look down at his face and watch him breathing peacefully, his eyelashes fluttering as he tries to bring me closer to him. When he moans, I feel something poking my thigh and I forget to breathe.

Relax...every living, breathing male has morning wood. Fuck! I feel myself wanting to feel more from him. I try to pry him off of me, but he has a strong grip. Damn it Josh! You are making this harder than it needs to be, no pun intended.

"Mmm Cowboy!"

His dick twitches and I have to bite my lip. What the fuck is he doing to me? He moves again and my breath hitches as it moves against me again. 

"Oh, for the love of God!" 

I go to shove him off of me and I fall off the bed with a loud thud. I groan as I feel the back of my head as Josh springs up.

"Cowboy." I really wish he wouldn't call me that right now.  He looks down and gives me a confused look. "Why the hell are you down there?" I groan again as I lay my arm over my eyes, then the little twink starts laughing. "You fell off the bed, didn't you?" He laughs some more as I go to get up. Once up I glare at him, but he surprises me by leaning in and hugs me.

"What the hell is this for?" I look down at him as he just hugs me tighter. "You looked like you need a hug Ryder." Damn him for being so cute. I grunt as I untangle him from me. What the hell am I thinking? He's got my head so messed up.

"Get dressed, we are going out." With that I walk away and grab some clothes to get dressed. If I am going to be around him for a long period of time, we need to be in a bigger place. Even if it is at the damn condo for the time being.

"Where are we going?"

I turn around and see him tugging up his pants. "We are moving out." I grunt out because I do not want to even process what is going on inside my head right now about him.

"So, are we bringing everything with us right now?"

I look around and shit I did not think this through right now.  Damn brain is so muddled up right now. I shake my head because all I have is my bike right now. "No, we have to go pick up my truck." Just hopefully it still runs.  This is not me, I need to get my shit together. 

I open the door and wait for him to walk out, then shut the door behind us. "How are we going to get there?" When we get to the elevator he pauses, and I can see that he is actually scared. I feel like shit now for making fun of him last night. I put my hand on his lower back and he takes a deep breath, as we step inside.  Once the elevator jolts, he grabs a hold of my hand and for some strange reason I let him intertwine them together. His breaths our coming out shallow and his eyes are shut tight. 

"Josh, open your eyes." When he does, I still see the panic in them, so I grab his other hand and put it on my chest. "Take deep breaths like this." I take a deep breath and he follow suit. "That's it, keep going." We do that until we hit the bottom floor and when the door opens, I let go of him and step out of the elevator. 

I look back at him and he has the brightest smile ever. How can he go from being so frightened to so damn fucking happy. I just don't get it. He tries to fucking skip ahead of me to get outside, but I pull him back by the back of his shirt.

"What the fuck Josh?"

"What?" His smile almost makes me want to smile...almost. "Well, you said we are going on your bike. I love riding on bikes." I quirk an eyebrow at him. We walk outside to the underground parking garage. "All I'm saying is how can anyone not love riding on a bike." Okay now I am intrigued to what his answer is that I can feel the smirk forming on my face.

"Enlighten me."

We stop by my Harley and his eyes go wide as he caresses my baby like it is a precious gem. "This bad boy here." He practically purrs out and I grunt out. "Girl, my bike is not a boy, she's, my baby."  He rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Bitch please!" I can't help it as I shake my head and chuckle. "This bad boy here is all male and you want to know why." 

"Please tell me, I am dying to know." Note the sarcasm here but still, he amuses me.

"Shut up! You need to be educated." He sticks his tongue out at me. "Because with that much horsepower vibrating under your ass, it is definitely not a woman getting the job done."

Fuck me! Why did that sound erotic, coming from him. "Come on Cowboy, take me for a ride." He winks at me as he waits at the back of my bike. I grab the helmets and push it into his chest as I strap mine on and climb on. When he gets on his hands come around me and I rev the engine. I swear I could hear him fucking purr. The smug little shit is right, but I will not tell him that. "Hold on." With that I take off and I can hear his laughter vibrate throughout my whole body. 

I weave in and out of traffic and go to some secluded roads just to let him enjoy this because from what I can tell when he was back home it seemed tense. A man like Josh needs to be himself, not what someone is trying to make him to be. He is light and he needs to fucking shine. 

"I fucking love this!" He yells near my ear, and he does well as he leans into the turn with me. By the time we get to the condo I almost regret ending the ride so soon. I wait until he gets off and fling my leg over the bike. I can feel the smile from here and when he takes his helmet off that smile just radiates off him. I don't get time as he jumps up and I barely catch him as hugs me into him. Like I have a choice as I am holding onto his ass. 

Shit! I am holding onto his ass.

"Thank you for that Cowboy, I so freaking needed this." He slides down my body with a smirk on his face and I swear he does this shit on purpose. For some reason I do not call him out on it. 

Why don't I call him out on it?

"Come on let me show you the place. This will be temporary until we get something else." 

"Do we have to go into an elevator?"

Fuck! I forgot about that. "Yeah, sorry Josh."

We get inside and head to the elevator as soon as we step in, I grab his hand and pull him flush to me.

"Just listen to my heartbeat. You will be fine."

He snuggles into me and closes his eyes. "Your heart is beating fast." He sighs into my chest. Yeah, apparently it does that every time you touch me now. I just don't know what to fucking do about it.

"It's the adrenaline rush every time I go for a ride."

"Can we go take that bad boy out every once in a while."


He looks up at me and smiles. "You didn't call it her or your baby."

"No, I didn't." He hums into my chest, but when the doors open, he steps back. "Thanks Cowboy, and also glad I can educate you on your bike." He laughs, the cheeky little shit, but I just nod my head as I have him follow me. I open the door and gesture for him to go in.

"What the fuck?" 

I turn around quickly to see what's wrong because Josh sounds pissed.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

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