28. A Warning

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A/N: There will be two short POV's that will remain a mystery for now and will be revealed later on. Just didn't want there to be any confusion while reading.



                                                                     Mystery Person #1

Son of a bitch! I was double crossed. It was not supposed to go down this way. I was supposed to be the hero and save Josh from the chaos. I have waited years to get close to him and now my moment was ruined by that fucking crazy ass fucker. I thought I was crazy, but maybe I am in over my head, and it is time to step back for now. I am a patient man, and I will bide my time until I get my chance again. 

"I'll see you again soon my darling Josh."


                                                                  Mystery Person #2

That fucking idiot thought I was going to help him. Ha! I have my own agenda and watching the catastrophe of which I created unravel in front of me. The only flaw in my plan was I underestimated Ryder throwing himself on top of the little weasel. I should have known better because I know all about Ryder Matthew Dawson and Joshua Alan Harlan. Who would have thought one of the best snipers in the force has turned into a raging homo. Doesn't matter anyway because my plan got screwed up and now that fucking fairy is still alive.  I walk back to my car as the sirens go off and people are screaming and running from the hotel. 

"I'll see you soon Josh Harlan, and I promise I will finish the job next time."


                                                                                   J O S H

The ringing in my ears will not stop and I feel a heavy weight on my chest. Why can't I open my eyes? What the hell happened? I try to move but I can't, it feels like it's a concrete block on me. But concrete can't breathe even if it is shallow breaths. Ryder. Open your fucking eyes Josh. You need to know what happened to him. My eyes flutter and my vision kind of is blurry, but I can notice his dark hair. "Ryder." I croak out but he doesn't move. Panic starts to rise up in me because he is not moving at all except for his very light breathing. "Cowboy, please wake up." Tears well in my eyes when there is still no response. 

"Somebody, help!" 

I barely get my arm free under his weight and stroke his hair. "Baby please wake up." The ringing is still loud, and I can't hear much around me.

"Will you keep it down it's too loud." I hear the grunt from the ruggish man on top of me and I laugh and cry at the same time. Until I gasp because it's getting harder to breathe. "Josh" I try to say something, but I can't even when he tries to move off of me. What is wrong with me? It's getting harder and harder to breathe. "No, no. no!" Why is he freaking out?  "Josh, stay with me don't you dare fall asleep." 

I am right here, silly Cowboy of mine. Can't you see I am right here? 

"Over here!"

Who the hell is he talking to and why can't I open my eyes? Then there is nothing and I cannot hear anything or see anything. It is starting to freak me out. Fuck did I just die?

"You fucking idiot, you better wake the fuck up."

Ryder, I am trying to you big idiot, so stop yelling at me.

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