42. This Day Will Haunt Us

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                                                                                           J O S H

If I knew how this day was going to end, I would have just stayed curled in bed with Ryder. Unfortunately, none of us know what the future holds. So, we just go on with our day like normal.

"Cowboy, you're doing it wrong?"

"How the fuck am I doing it wrong? Why I let you con me into this is beyond me?"

I smile up at this brute of a man, in this awkward position I'm holding. He grunts but smiles as he stares at the position of my body. My arms are holding my upper body up, my left leg bent at the knee. My right leg over my left and I'm trying my hardest not to fall.

"I gotta say I really like the view. If I pound into you, would you be able to stay in that position?"

"You'd lose!"

He gives me that sexy smirk and my whole body vibrates from the intensity of his stare.

"I'd think I would definitely win."

"That's not how you play twister you big goof."

"I got something big for you." 

I can't help but laugh as I fall down with him tumbling on top of me. But I don't care about losing right now, because of that smile on his face, I say I'm a winner.

"You're an idiot." I smile up at him as he brushes the hair out of my face. "But I'm your idiot." Damn right you are. As always, we move towards one another. Our lips brush lightly, before it turns into a more fiery, passionate kiss.  Our hands start roaming each other's body, and every damn time it's like exploring each other for the first time. But I know every spot that turns him on more and vice versa. I flip us over as I straddle his delicious body. 

"How you do that still amazes me." He leans up to capture my lips again, when he sucks on my bottom lip, I just want to strip naked and ride my Cowboy. My phone rings in the distance and my man growls out his frustrations just as he is ready to lift up my shirt. "Ignore it." I whisper as I lift his shirt up and my lips are back on his. Ryder brings me flushed to his body as I grind our erections through our clothed sweats. My phone rings again but then his goes off as well and we both groan. I lean my forehead against his and sigh. "We will continue this very soon." He says as he gives me a chaste kiss then lifts me up off his body.

"We definitely will." I lick my lips as I get up and reach for my phone. 

The moment I answer all playfulness dies when I hear my bestie crying.

"Josh, I need you."

"What's wrong?" I see out the corner of my eye Ryder looking at me with a look of concern, but I shrug my shoulders. I have no idea at this moment. "Can you come over?"

"Did Johnny do something?" 

"N-no. It's important and I really need my bestie."

"I'll be over, we will leave now."

"Th-thank you."

"Anything for you, you know that.

"See you soon."

"We need to go." I say to Ryder as I start panicking because Kat hardly ever cries. She is one of the strongest people I know, so this is serious. I turn to look at Ryder and poke at his chest. "If your fucking best friend hurt mine there is going to be hell to pay." He put his hands up in surrender and backs up.

"If he hurt Katrina then I will be right there with you, best friend or not." This right here is why I love him. I mean how can I not. I pull him into a deep kiss that shocks him for a moment until he reciprocates. Any other time I would keep going but we need to leave like a minute ago. "Thank you." I s all I say as I rush out of the house.

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