48. Taste the Rainbow

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                                                                         R Y D E R

"You're doing it wrong Cowboy."

"How the fuck am I doing it wrong?" I roll my eyes at him, but he just laughs.

"You grab the back of my thighs and hold on tight. I can't believe you have never done this before."

"Why the fuck would I have ever done this before." He laughs and I can't help my lips twitch as I grunt and do as he says, as his arms cling around my neck. "Don't choke me to death or we won't be doing anything."

"Oh, come on my big strong broody man. You got the damn muscles so use them."

"I swear to God, I will drop you now Josh."

He gasps and I shake my head as he bounces. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me. You are lucky I am carrying you like this."

"It's called a piggyback ride. I could say giddy up Cowboy and yell yeehaw. That would definitely draw attention." He laughs and I let my hands slip but he clings onto me like the damn spider monkey that he is. "I'll drop you."

"You're mean Ryder Dawson and I'm tired and hungry."

"Well, you can walk like the rest of us normal people." He hovers his lips close to my ear and I feel his breath fanning my skin. I swear I want to just pull him around and smash my lips to his. Lately it has been hard to even satisfy our hunger for each other but slowly we have been getting there but right now it is very hard to throw him against the nearest wall and have my way with him. "You love it when I have my body pressed up against your body. The wicked, wicked things we could do to each other."  

Fuck yeah, I do!

"That's it you are walking."  We are almost to the front of the store as I release his arms from my neck, and he whines as gets down. I turn around and smirk at him. "Behave and maybe I will let you cum later." His whole-body shivers and I see the lust in his eyes before he glares at me. 

"Better not threaten me Cowboy, I might not let you have your dick in my ass." I groan as he laughs because the little shit has got me there. I playfully shove him inside the store.  "You say I am mean." 

"All is fair in love and war baby." He laughs at he takes off and I can't help but smile as he yells. "Where's my skittles?" I am happy to see some of the light return to him. I don't know what happened, but something changed this morning and I saw the first glimpse of Josh that brightens up the room. 

"Josh! Get your ass back here!" A few people stare at me, but I just glare at them. I do not give a fuck what they think. My concern is his safety and right now he is not by my side. "Josh!" A lady looks at me and shakes her head. "What?" I practically growl out and she huffs and walks away. Good riddance you bitch.


I hear him and I swear I am going to throttle him good for this shit, when I round the corner and now, I understand why I heard the irritation in his voice. Why today of all days? It was finally becoming the first good day minus the mishap of the nightmare this morning, but it was worse because it was my biggest nightmare of all...something happening to Josh. I shake the thoughts from my head because I do not want to have those dark thoughts ruin this day, but staring at her now, I know our day is going to shit.

Candice runs towards me and wraps her arms around me. "I'm so sorry to hear about Johnny." I pull her claws off of me as I see Josh glare daggers at her. My chest tightens at the thought of my best friend, but I mask it and stare blankly at her. I see Josh's hands shakes and see him trying to bite his lip, but when she puts her hand on my chest he snaps.

"Oh, please!" Her head snaps to him and I can see her sneer at him. "If you are so damn sorry maybe you should have shown your respect at his fucking funeral." He does not raise his voice to draw attention, but I know if this keeps up, he will lose it. Tensions have been high, and we do not need any more fucking drama. I move away from her, and she frowns at me before her attention is drawn back to Josh.

"Oh, shut it queer. Nobody was talking to you." She turns back to me, and my blood is boiling. "Why are you hanging around him anyways?"

"Candice fucking leave now. You didn't care about Johnny and do not call him names."

"I can stand up for myself Ryder." 

He takes a couple of skittles and pops them in his mouth. She huffs as she stomps her foot like a fucking child. She is just a spoiled brat, and I can't believe I never paid attention to it before.

"You shouldn't have to." I say to him, and his demeanor softens a little when he looks at me until Candice gasps. "Don't tell me he infected you with his ways." What the actual fuck? Josh and I look at each other and then my light laughs and it's not his playful laugh. 

"Honey please, I could turn the straightest man like Cowboy over here gay if I wanted to." He winks at me, and I refrain from smiling as I put on my mask and show of indifference. "Better watch it I might infect you too." He wiggles his fingers towards hers and I cough to stifle my laugh. He pops another skittle into his mouth.

"Ryder! Are you going to let him talk to me like this? After everything we have been through." I shrug my shoulders showing little interest in what she is saying. I maybe acting like a dick to her, but she is pissing me off insulting Josh. "Fucking faggot." She mutters I growl but Josh catches us both off guard with what he does next.

He throws some skittles at her. "Taste the rainbow bitch." I can't help but laugh with the stunned look on her face. She screams and stomps off but turns back around and glares at Josh. "You better watch your back." My laughter dies in my throat as I step towards her, and she backs up Josh grabs my arm and shakes his head. "She's not worth it." He's right and I start walking away from the mess that use to be my life. Josh is right next to me as I walk into the bathroom and soon as I see no one is in there I lock the door and slam him against it.

His eyes widen and I lean in closer to him. "Can I taste the rainbow?" He giggles but slams his lips to mine and I taste the different flavors from the skittles on his tongue and moan as I kiss him deeper. My hands roam and I grab his ass firmly pressing him closer to me. He taps on my shoulder, and I pull back as gaps for breath.

"Fuck! Cowboy!"

"My sentiments exactly." I smirk at him, and he playfully slaps my shoulder. 

"I'm hungry."

"So am I." I smirk at him, and he laughs and shakes his head, but I pull him into a hug and kiss his neck and chuckle. "That was priceless." He laughs as he holds me to him a little tighter. 

"I didn't like her claws on you. Only I can touch you like that."

Damn right. I don't want anyone else but him.

"Let's get going and get you some food before I fuck you right here." He squeezes his legs together and whimpers. I press my lips to his for a brief moment before I get carried away and unlock the door as I pull away.

He opens the door and my phone rings I pick it up once I see that it's River, I answer it and I see Josh bite his lip waiting for the call to end. Once I end the call, I grab his hand which shocks him as I pull him alongside me and out of the store.

"Ryder what is going on? Is it Kat?" I shake my head as I head for my truck. "Slow down Cowboy." I bend down and he hops onto my back as I carry him all the way to the back of the parking lot. "Will you tell me what the hell is going on?"

"I will pick you up something on the way. We need to go to the hospital."

"Tell me what happened?" I can hear the panic in his voice.

I open the truck and he jumped off my back and gets in. I do not say anything until we get in my truck. He stares at me as I start the ignition and back out of the lot.

"It's Zach. He's finally awake. Maybe now we can get some fucking answers."

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