45. I Should Have Never

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                                                                                       J O S H

I bite my lip as I stare at River and my hands begin to shake, because what he tells us will let me know if this is all my fault. 

"Who the fuck is it? So, I can fucking kill them!" 

The venom in Ryder's voice is not something I have heard before, well not to this extent. I want to comfort him, but I am not sure he would like that at the moment. This is tearing me apart that I cannot calm him down. 

"Trust me, I'm with you brother." River then looks at me and gives me a sympathetic look. Ryder's head whips toward me and the look in his eyes has me moving away ever so slowly. I do not like this, and I can feel my eyes water. I take in a deep breath and will myself to stay strong. My actions snap him out of whatever mental state he was in because he goes to reach for me, but I stay grounded in my spot. I have a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach that he is going to hate me for this.

"It's Zach Cunningham." I gasp and shake my head because my ex would not go this far...would he? "He was the driver of the vehicle that smashed into Johnny." He winces when he says his name and he took a moment before he begins to speak again. "He was intoxicated beyond normal limits. He is in the hospital with police officers guarding his door. He might not even make it."

This doesn't make sense at all because no matter what, Zach never once sought me out after we broke up. I mean that one incident at my father's company, and that one time in the park but he was already there. Or was he? I don't know, he is a lot of things, but I just don't see him stooping to this level. It just doesn't make sense, and for what to get my back?

"Well maybe we should finish the job." Ryder seethes as he stands up and heads over to grab his keys. "I will make sure the fucker feels the pain before he dies."  I jump up and rush over to him because even if Zach did this, I don't want him to become a murderer.

"Cowboy." I plead as I touch his bicep and he stopped before he can open the door. "Don't do this...please." I beg. He yanks his arm out of my hold and for the first time I do not see the man I have come to love so much. He looks like a stranger as he glares at me. I want to recoil back but I hold my ground.

"You, trying to protect your boyfriend?" He grits out between his teeth. My eyes water even more, and I shake my head so fast I hear it crack and pop.

"I'm trying to protect you." He laughs and it is not the laugh I have come to love and hear on a daily basis. It's cold, emotionless and sends an unwanted shiver down my spine.

"I don't need you to protect me. I don't fucking need anyone! I should have just minded my own fucking business at that club and none of this would have fucking happened!" 

The tears fall at that moment, and I knew this would be my fault. I knew eventually I would get hurt but I never thought he would hurt me with his words like this. My lips tremble as I go to speak as my whole body shakes. This hurts so fucking much. I should never have got involved with him in the first place.

"Go fuck yourself Ryder!" My jaw ticks and I hate that the tears fall. "As soon as Kat is awake, we are out of here. You will not have to see us again." 

I turn on my heel and go up the stairs, I grab my stuff and start packing everything I have as fast as I can. I hear Ryder cursing downstairs, but I do not care at this point. I wipe the tears off my face.

"So, fucking stupid."

"You're not stupid." I almost let out a yelp from River walking into the room. He walks in and sits on the bed. I look up and see his face is red by his eye.

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