3. Too Many Emotions

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                                                                                      J O S H

I do not know where I got the courage to say what I have said to Ryder for over the past hour. Usually when I like someone, I am a fluttering mess until I get to know them better. I hate crushes there are just too many emotions going on. But it is so much damn fun watching the expressions on his face. 

Fuck...he is just too damn sexy.

I would be mad at my best friend if she ditched me like this any other time to be with her boo, but I am happy for her.

Right now, though I stopped looking at them dancing and turn my attention back to this fine specimen who is brooding. Why the hell is that hot to me all of the sudden? Ryder just has so many different moods right now, he's mysterious and I guess that's what intrigues me. First, he laughs, then he scowls, then he just looks so lost that it breaks my heart, but also makes my head spin.  So, I decided to get up and get a couple of bottles to see if he will loosen up, and I have the perfect idea for that.

I am just so excited that he agreed to the game. I just want to see him less tense and enjoy himself. Life is too short to not enjoy it.

"You rigged this!" He glares at me, and I raise my hands in surrender laughing my ass off. "I swear I didn't." I most certainly did. Just don't strike me down for lying because I swear it's for a good cause.

"Fucking hell!" He takes another shot and so do I. 

"You missed one." As I take another shot as he flips me off but there is a slight smile on his face. "You are so going to lose." I taunt him but can't stop smiling.

"No, I won't." But when he sees me put my shot glass down as he spoke, he groans.

"That's another one." I giggle as we both take another one. Maybe this song wasn't the best one to do. I feel the alcohol starting to take effect.

"Does this song ever end." He throws his head back and laughs. Just then Johnny and my Kit Kat come back. 

"What's going on here?" Johnny looks at us amused.

"Shut up!" we both yell laughing as we take another shot. He goes to say something else, but Kat clasps a hand over his mouth. That just makes us laugh even more.

I slam down the last shot as the song ends and jump up. "I fucking win!" I fist pump the air. "In your face Cowboy."

"Never play this game with Josh, he always tends to win." Kat giggles as she lets her hand off Johnny's mouth.

"Apparently so." Ryder broods and I slam my hand on the table startling everyone.

"Oh no you fucking don't! I just got you to lighten up." I glare at him. He just stares at me, and I see his lips twitch then he laughs. I let out a breath because he is so damn beautiful when he lets everything go. He's straight, or mostly straight that's for sure. He has not once looked at all the fine men here tonight. I could have my pick with a make-out sesh with someone, but I chose to stay here with a straight guy...ugh!  "You owe me a dance."

"What the hell did we miss out on?" Johnny barrels over laughing until Ryder shoves him. "You, know what I'm gonna record this shit. Chris will have a field day."

Chris? Who the fuck is Chris? Maybe he is not straight. Oh, my heart jumps at joy for that.

"I'll fucking break your phone. You will not show my brother shit!"

I feel like I can breathe better, but now my hopes of him possibly being into men is out the window, yet again.

"I'll break your face." We all gasp as the words leave Kat's mouth and she starts laughing so hard she almost tumbles into Johnny.

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