1. First Impressions

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 Let me start from the beginning of when I first met him. So, you can see how it escalated to where I completely and utterly fucked up the best thing that ever happened to me. I might not give off the best first impression, hell not even the second or third, but I am trying to right the wrongs in my life. First and foremost, it all starts with Josh and will always end with him.

                                                                             R Y D E R

"I can't believe you are fucking home bro."

Chris practically yells with excitement. I have to turn down the volume of my Bluetooth.

"Yes I'm back."

"For good?" He asks and I can hear the hopefulness in his voice. I sigh and shudder at the same time. Because I remember why I am home.

"Yes for good."

"Then what are you waiting for come on over."

"How about tomorrow? I'm pretty beat today."

It wasn't a complete lie, but not one hundred percent the truth.

"Alright just text me when you are on your way and we will have dinner."

"Sounds good."

We say our goodbyes and I drop my stuff off at the motel I'm staying at.  I look around the small room and feel like the walls are caving in. I don't want the memories to resurface so I leave the room as fast as I can.

"I need a drink."

And I know the perfect place to go. It's a place that Jax and Lucas took us to once. The Lion's Den. I know no one will bother me there.

                                                                                J O S H

"Come on Kit Kat, it will be fun. We are only in town for another week before we go back to Texas. Besides you can invite that guy you can't stop talking about."

She rolls her eyes and huffs out air, crosses her arms and glares at me. But I see the blush that crosses her face.

"He's not going to want to go where you are suggesting."

"You never know Kat. If he likes you like you think, he will follow you anywhere." She plops down on my bed and sighs. I know she is dying to see him again.

"Fine Joshie Pooh let's go." I sling my arm around her shoulders and kiss her cheek.

"That's my girl, this is going to be so much fun."

"More like trouble." She says as she rolls her eyes, but I just laugh as we walk out of the hotel and get in the cab.  I tell the driver where to go. "I feel it in my bones Kat, this is going to be a great night. The Lion's Den is the best gay bar around."

"I still can't believe you talked me into this." But a smile lights her face as she looks at her phone. Yeah, I knew her boy would be there. He is just as crazy for her as she is for him.

"Just you see my sweet Kit Kat. You will have the time of your life."

"I highly doubt that."

                                                                                     R Y D E R

Okay, so maybe coming here was a bad idea. I just wanted to forget about all the shit I just left behind. The images of my fellow mates as we were in combat still haunt me.

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