6. Go Fuck Yourself!

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                                                                                J O S H

I can still feel his touch as we danced and how I laid next to him. A hand waves in front of me and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Josh! Earth to Josh snap out of it!" I look up and see my Kit Kat waving her hands frantically at me.


Why can't I get him out of my head? I mean I just met the man but damn it just felt right. I have never felt that before.

"Your phone has been ringing nonstop." She goes to hand me my phone but snatches it away with a smirk. "Kat." I groan out and she giggles. "Okay" She goes to hand me my phone, but snatches it away again. "Katrina Elizabeth Stephens" She throws me my phone before I get to launch off the bed to get her. Her squeals and giggles make me smile. 

"You are going to tell me what happened Joshy pooh." I don't even really know what the hell happened. But as soon as I look at my phone, I wish I didn't.

"Oh no. It's my dad."

"Well, you better call him back soon. You know how he can get."

I rub my hands over my face and groan. "I know you're right, but do I have to." I whine because dealing with my father right now it is not on my to do list. She gives me that damn look that I wish I knew how to perfect. I guess that is a woman thing. "Fine!" I pick up my phone and see the damn smug look on her face.

"You'll be happy you got it done with now."

I nod my head and dial his number.

"Joshua." I cringe when he calls me that. "Yes, dad."

"I am going to send over a location, and you are going to attend this gathering."

"What is it?"

"It's a cookout with Lucas Roberts, or should I say Lucas Whitaker-Reynolds you remember him from when you were younger? I am trying to get Lucas on board for a business proposition."

"I haven't seen him in about ten years dad. Do you really think a cookout is the best time for business."

"Well, I will be there too. Anytime is good for business." I hear a crash and see Kat drop a glass on the floor. This is just fun-fucking-fantastic.

"Send me the details." Because there is no arguing with my father.

"Great! See you at three today."


With that the line goes dead and I look down at my phone and then back to Kat.

"Of course, he would pull this kind of crap." Kat comes and sits on my bed, and I lay my head on her shoulder. "This is the only time I am not under his thumb... you know."

"I hate to say this, but we need to get ready. Your father didn't give us much time to get ready." I look at her and then at my phone. "Are you kidding me?" I jump off the bed and see that it is already two. "He gives me a damn hour notice!" Kat gets up and tugs on my arm. "I'll be with you don't you worry." I pull her into a hug, and she pats my back. That's why I love this girl, well the only girl I will truly love. She has always been there for me through all this crap.

"God! I haven't seen Lucas in forever. This is going to be so awkward. I just wish my dad would stop getting me involved in all of this. I have told him time and time again, that I do not want to take over his oil company." I go to the closet looking for something else to wear but Kat stops me.

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