59. Deliver Me from Hell

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I thought when Ryder said we will fix this it would be done quickly, were we dead wrong. I have been back to Ohio twice since then and it has been almost six months since he made that promise to me. I feel like sometimes we are slipping away but then other times he just surprises the hell out of me. I just want to get out of this hell that I am right now, being here in hell abiding my father's commands.

Let me give you a quick recap of the past six months. My father is more of a dictator now more than ever. He thinks he is so clever for keeping Connor on my detail, but what he doesn't know is that Connor pretty much lets me do my own thing. Ryder has visited every two weeks when he is not hunting down the "threat" that hangs over my family, the ghost from his own past and the information about Candice so my own father cannot blackmail me anymore. That crazy bitch, sorry for speaking ill of the dead but she was crazy was smarter than I thought. 

Then there is River he said he would be gone by the time that Kat had her baby, but I think he is more protective of her now more than ever. She had her little boy named after Johnny and is crazy about him, and I mean who wouldn't be. However, put those two in a room together and it's like World War III has begun. It is way worse than before, and I wonder if something happened. Nah, that is just crazy talk.

A knock sounds on my door and I file the papers away that I have for Jaxon because I am finally able to go back to Ohio tonight until my father summons me back again. I told him that I would not back out of helping out Jaxon because for one I like Jaxon as a friend, but I also love my job. Our project for Johnny that he started is finally almost finished and I plan on being there when it is done.

"Come in."

Connor opens the door and I almost wish he didn't because thinking about them and they appear. 

"I swear to God, River you do not have to keep following me everywhere. Why can't you fucking leave already?" Kat strolls in with my Godson sound asleep. How he sleeps through this is a miracle.

River shuts the door leaving a shock look on Connors face. This guy does not trust many people, I mean who can blame him, but Connor is not a bad guy. He did a background check for crying out loud.

"Listen woman!" he grits through his teeth. "Until everything is back to normal, and the threat is gone then I will fucking leave and not a moment before." He gets right in her face, and I can see her trying to control her anger. "Understand Princess." Kat goes to slap him, and he catches her wrist. There is so much tension in the air it is about to suffocate me.

"Oh, for fuck sakes!" I groan out in frustration. "Will you two just fuck already. Just get the damn tension out it will do you both some good." It goes completely quiet, and I lift my head up and look at the two. Kat turns away from him and a gasp escapes my lips. She snaps her head towards me and her lip quivers and her eyes bug out begging me not to say anything else, so I shut my mouth up quickly. I will not put her on the spot like that.

"What are you two doing here?" I change the subject and I see the tension leave them for a moment. 

"We are going to Ohio with you." I give her a look and she timidly give me a smile. "I'm going back. This was the wrong move and this little boy." She smiles sweetly at her son. "Needs to know who his father is, not someone trying to act like it. Which will never fucking happen." Oh Shit!

"Trust me sweetheart. I am not here for you." He looks at little Johnny and really smiles. "I made a promise and I plan to keep it."

"Trust me you can break that promise." She huffs out and River stands up straight and looks at her like he did the first day we met him, a look of indifference.

"I don't give a shit what you fucking think." But I beg to differ from how his hands shake at his side before he slides them into his pockets. "You are not of importance, as I said my promise is. Once the threat is clear and trust me, I am so fucking close to figuring this shit out. You will not have to see me again." But when he looks at that boy it is a completely different story, it is not going to be as easy for him to walk away.

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