54. Time to Heal

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                                                                                      R Y D E R

"Some new evidence came to light, and I brought you into this courtroom before the trial was issued to proceed." I look around to the confused looks on my family and friends, but then I look at him and he just stares straight ahead. "In the case of Ryder Allan Dawson vs State of Ohio in the murder in first degree of Candice Naomi Brown will be dismissed." The gasps heard in the courtroom were astounding. The prosecution stood up in outrage as I sighed in relief and when I looked at Josh his eyes were watery. The judge pounded his gavel down hard. 

"Objection your honor we have clear evidence that Mr. Dawson is the perpetrator in killing Miss Brown."

"Overruled as we have the real killer in jail right now and he confessed to everything. So, with that being said Mr. Dawson you are a free man and exonerated from all charges." I stand up and nod towards the judge.

"Thank you, your honor."

"But your honor he is a killer! Just look at what he did to his platoon." 

"That is enough out of you Mr. Richardson. My judgement is still the same. Court dismissed."

I was set free, but my mind was in a cage after what the prosecutor said. I am a killer and somehow, I forgot by being with Josh. I do not deserve him or to be happy. Two months after the judge declared me innocent nothing has been the same. Josh and I have been distant and not just on my part but his as well. We still sleep in the same bed, because I can't fall asleep without him anymore. 

Josh has been on his phone a lot and I just want to drink until I get so shitfaced, I can't remember a thing. "Ryder." That's another thing that has pissed me off. He has not called me Cowboy and I fucking miss him calling me that. I fucking miss us, I miss him. When I turn around to look at him, he gives me a weak smile. It doesn't shine in his eyes, and I did this to him I just know it.

"I want to take you somewhere."


He walks up to me and grabs my hands, and I feel warm from his touch. It has never felt that way before...ever. 

"Trust me, please."

I will always trust you. I just do not trust myself.


He pulls me out of the house with him as he grabs the keys out of his pocket. I get into the passenger side of my truck as he hops into the driver's side. He takes off and it is silent besides the music in the background.


"Ryder" he glances at me quickly with a smirk on his face.

Okay now he is just being annoying like when I first met him, but I still feel my lips twitch into a smile.

"Don't worry Cowboy, we are almost there just promise me you won't kill me."

"Why would I?" The truck slows down and I take in where we are and my heart beats faster and it's like I have no air in my lungs. "Why the fuck would you bring me here?" I seethe out, okay maybe I will kill him. He stops the truck, and I am ready to run away from here. He grabs my hand and I glare at him. "Trust me Cowboy." He leans over and looks around a moment before kissing me quickly then jumps out of the truck. As much as I am angry with him, I wanted to pull him back and kiss him again.

I take in a deep breath as I step out of the truck. Why the fuck would he bring me here. We walk up the cobblestone path and images of my squad flash before my eyes.

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