65. Time to Die!

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                                                                                        R Y D E R 

"Just stitch me up, so I can go kill the fucker!" My head is throbbing, but my eyes do not leave the bastard tied to the chair. 

"Sit still." You fucking sit still!  You do not have a needle to your fucking head. This fucker has tortured us for months! We have him in our grasp, it's time to make him pay. I hiss out as he brings the needle to my head again. "I told you to sit still." Shut up!

I don't know why I blacked out but when I came to Josh was curled in the corner not letting anyone get near him. He stayed chained to the fucking wall until I came to. He wouldn't let anyone touch him. Luckily, I was able to get him free without touching him, even though I desperately wanted to pull him into my arms.

"Go with your father."

"What about you?"

"I will be fine. I need to take care of something."

I know he was fighting with himself. He knew what I was planning to do, but the best part of him did not want me to get lost in the darkness. I'm already lost the moment that Dylan hurt the one person that matters most to me.


"No Josh! I need to do this!"

"There's no coming back from this."

The rage comes to me in a blink of an eye. I do not mean to snap, but I do, and I regret it the moment it happens.

"You want this fucker to be saved! After all he has done! I won't fucking take pity on this bastard!"

"You'll regret this one day."

"The fuck I will! Now go! You do not need to be here. I do not want you here!"

Blinded by the rage I slam my fist into the wall as Katrina tries to get Josh to leave. 

"You are not the man that I love right now."

I know that. He is gone along with who the man I love is. We lost so much to this asshole, and I do not care what I have to do. Josh will never have to worry about this sick fuck ever again coming after him.

"There all done." Pulled out of my thoughts, I look at River and he gives me a look I know all too well. "I could take care of this. Trust me, I do not mind ending his life."

"No, you are injured. Besides he hurt the man I fucking love!"

"The fucker hurt Katrina, too!" The venom dripping from his voice is deadly. 

Maybe he's...no time to think about that right now. That is another story in itself.

"Time to make him pay." 

Standing up on unsteady feet I take a moment to get my bearings. Grabbing the knife that he stabbed River and cut Katrina with I stalk towards the psycho. Wasting no time plunging the knife into his leg. The scream that leaves his lips is music to my ears.

"Glad you can join us. Though I must say you will not be here for long."

The laugh that he lets out is strangled and not as menacing as he tries to make it.

"You kill me, and you might as well sign your own death warrant. They want me alive to do their bidding."

Twisting the knife in his leg before digging it out, just to stab him in his other leg. Satisfaction fills me as he cries out again.

"They won't do shit will they Riv?"

The smirk on his face as he walks forward is more sinister than Dylan's could ever be.

"Stryker is right. You burned those bridges when you went wrong. We could bring you back dead or alive and they wouldn't give a damn. It will be us to torture you then kill you or them. Your choice."

He knew he was fucked right then as he turns pale rather quickly. River takes the knife out and then brings it to his face.

"Maybe I should cut you like you did Katrina."

The knife slashes across Dylan's face quick and precise. Not so fucking tough now, are you? Once Riv is done my hands go around his neck and squeeze and slam him and the chair to the ground hard.

"You fucked with the wrong people. Especially Josh!" 

My hands tighten around his throat as I slam him back on the ground again. Images of what he did to Josh come to my mind and my emotions get the better of me as I cry out. He hurt him! He did nothing wrong! Feeling his nails dig into my skin, I welcome the slight pain to remind me I can still feel.

"Ry, let go. He deserves to suffer some more." 

Riv pulls the chair up into a sitting position again. The bastard coughs up blood but still has the audacity to laugh in our faces.

"When I get out of here and I will." He's fucking delusional if he thinks that is going to happen. "I'm going to finish what I started."

Red is all I see as I grab the knife from Riv and move behind the chair yanking Dylan's hair harshly, so he is staring into my eyes. This ends now!

"The fuck you will!"

Bringing the knife to his neck I make cut across it quick. Blood protrudes from his neck flowing down like a stream down his body. I watch in fascination as the life drains from his eyes and he chokes on his own blood. 

Josh is safe now. Everyone that plotted against him is either dead or in a coma. If they come after him, they are dead too.

"Ryder! Let go. He's gone. Do not get too deep in that dark hole brother. You won't be able to come out." But I don't want to let go. I want to watch as his last breath leaves his body. "Think about Josh, man. He wouldn't want you to be lost." I am lost and I don't know how to come back!

"Everything will work out. I just know it."

Johnny's words echo in my head. Slowly stepping away I drop the knife; my hands are covered in blood. My eyes stay focused on the lifeless body, and I finally breathe.

"It's done. Yes, he's dead. Now come clean up your fucking mess!" His hand on my shoulder brings me back to the here and now. "We need to go. They will be here soon, and I do not trust your state of mind not to take the shit out on them."

Damn right, I might go ballistic on my old Commander.

"Fine, let's get out of here."

Maybe now Josh can heal and move on with his life. I'm just afraid it might be without me after what I have done.

A/N: I promise next chapters will not be dark. We are getting closer to the end with a few chapters left.

Until next time.

💞Lexi 💋

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