21. Tension

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                                                                                    J O S H

The tension between us can be cut with a knife. At first, I thought it would only last a few days but then days turned into weeks and then it's been two months and things have been the same. Right now, I am ready to just say fuck it and get this sexual tension out of the way. The first day working with Jaxon was really awkward. I was so intimidated I thought the man was going to rip my head off from just looking at Lucas.

"I'm warning you. If I so much as see you looking at my husband in a way that I don't deem fit, you will not like the outcome." I thought he was joking so I laughed but the look on his face and the growl I heard from Ryder, I didn't know what to think. Should I be scared by Jaxon or turned on by Ryder? "My cocky son of a bitch needs to chill out." He gave a look to Lucas saying he would pay for it later, but I think Lucas was looking forward to it. Those two looked like they wanted to fuck each other every chance they got.

"You will not harm a hair on Josh." Ryder glared and I put my arm on his to try to calm him down that is until he opened his mouth again. "I have to babysit him, so he needs to be the way he was when I return him." I glare at him and shove at his chest. "Go fuck yourself Cowboy." Lucas starts laughing and I turned towards the couple and Jaxon is smirking as well.

"I think we will get along just well." Jaxon says as he looks between us, and I wonder what he is seeing that I don't. 

"JT" I whip my head around to see Jax looking at me. I am still not used to the nickname after all this time. They thought it was better that I do not use my first name. So, now I am JT Simpson, as Simpson was my mother's maiden name.

"Yeah boss." I smirk as he puts his hand on my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I can see and also feel the tension radiating off Ryder. "You have been doing a great job the past two months. Maybe when all this blows over you would want to stay on board here. I really don't think I want someone else to fulfil your position." I smile and would like that, but I am pretty sure my father would not like that so my smile falters. I don't answer as Ryder's phone goes off. He walks out of the room and Jaxon sighs as he sits down next to me.

"Look, I know things are tense between you two." He looks at Ryder through the window while he still keeps an eye on us. "There is nothing going on." I deny but Jaxon doesn't buy into my bullshit. "I was where he is, and I can see the way he looks at you and it is not out of some obligation. He wants to eat you up." He chuckles and my whole-body shivers thinking of the one time we gave in to our desire. "You either take action or if it was me jealousy always works." I shake my head because that is not who I am.

The conversation holts as Ryder steps back in. "Your father wants us there for a banquet this weekend. The idiot thinks it's a wise choice even with the stupid shit going on." Great so we have three days before we have to be there. But then again, I get to see my bestie. It's hard only doing video chats. She was able to visit for a week but had to go back. Jaxon stands up and winks at me as he claps his hands together.

"Well, how about we go out tonight the four of us."

"What about work?" Why the hell would I ask that? If the boss wants to go out why not. Jaxon just laughs as he goes to his phone and gets Lucas on the line. 

"Hey asshole" Lucas chuckles as he is on speaker. "What is it my cocky son of a bitch? You do know that we have this thing we call work, which you should be doing." Jaxon rolls his eyes as I feel Ryder moving closer to me and feel his hand skim my back as he brushes by to sit next to me. "We are going to the Lion's Den tonight." Jaxon states. I hear rustling on the other end. "Well, I do not have any meetings tomorrow, so I am good. JT what about Jax?" 

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