10. No Distractions

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                                                                                   J O S H

Just breathe in and out, everything will be just fine.

When I open my eyes, I see him standing there staring at me. Nope everything is not fine, for a moment I thought I was hallucinating. I shake my head thinking that will help. But the big buffoon is still here. Oh, but what a sexy buffoon he is. 

Get a grip man, snap the hell out of it! 

It's cool everything will be fine it's not that serious. "Son, we need to talk." Great, this should be fun. I don't even respond to him as I still stare at Ryder.

"What are you doing here?"

He scoffs as he crosses his arms over his chest. Oh, damn not the biceps. I just want to run my tongue up and down those muscular arms. I don't mind running my tongue on other places of his body. All those lustful thoughts trail off quickly as soon as he opens his stupid, kissable mouth.

"A thank you, would do."

"Hmph, as if. I had everything under control." He lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Keep telling yourself that sweetheart." My eyes go wide and his does for a split second until his mask goes back up.

"Enough Joshua!" I turn to look at my dad as I dig my fingernails into the palm of my hands. "We have matters to discuss. Quit acting like you are so tough when clearly you are not." I go to protest, but he sends me a warning look and I close my mouth shut tightly. "If you were tough, you wouldn't have been in the predicament you were just in.

Embarrassed by what he just said I walk out of the room without looking at either of them and straight to my father's office. I sit in the chair and wait as they both walk in. I can feel Ryder's eyes on me, but I don't look at either of them.

"Josh" I look up and my father looks at me like the dad I miss having around. "Mr. Dawson here will be your bodyguard."

"I don't need one." I can't be around him all the time, I will definitely make a fool of myself. "Apparently you do." I whip my head so fast to Ryder and I hear a pop. That is so not good, I will be feeling that for a while. I glare at him, and I can tell he is trying to fight off a smile.

"Yes, you do." My dad says. "There have been some recent threats and for your safety I hired Mr. Dawson because he has great military background." I see Ryder stiffen beside me for a moment. Can I just reach out to him and give him a hug? "So, you will do as he says and go where he goes."

"Does that mean I have to sit on his lap while he takes a shit?" The look on Ryder's face is priceless, I'm ready to laugh that is until my dad slams his hand down on the desk.  "Joshua Mitchell Harlan!" I can see the disappointment in his eyes that I lower my head. 

"Sorry, father. How long is this one going to take?" Ryder looks at me with confusion and I just shrug my shoulders. This is not my first rodeo with threats and won't be my last unfortunately.

"As long as it takes. You will be going back with Mr. Dawson to Ohio and working under Lucas and Jaxon Whitaker-Reynolds."

Well why the hell couldn't I have just stayed there instead of dragging my ass back here.

"When are we leaving?" I look at Ryder, but my father speaks before he can. "Tonight."

"It can't be tonight, I got to talk to Kat."

"You can't." I go to protest again, and he holds up his hand. "You cannot see her for a while. Once we know that she is not being followed you can see her."  I'm on the verge of tears because I can't even think about not talking and seeing my bestie.

"My friend Johnny is here visiting Katrina right now." I perk up at that and look at Ryder. "I'll give him a call and see if he can stay for a couple of days. Then after that if everything is good, he can bring her back home with us."

Can I hug him now, or better yet kiss him?

I look to my dad pleading with him. "Please dad. If there is a threat, then she would be better off away from here as well. We are attached at the hip."

He rubs his chin as he thinks and looks between the both of us. "Are you willing to look after her too Mr. Dawson?"

"You don't have to worry about it, Sir. I'm pretty sure Johnny will do that."

I try not to bounce in my seat with excitement like a toddler, but I can't help it as I give him the sad eyes. He never can resist when I do that.

"Fine." I am about to jump out of my seat. "If, everything is fine in a few days."

Ryder stands up and nods his head. "I'm going to make a quick call. I'll be right back." He walks out without saying another word. 

"Josh, now that we are alone. I want you to listen to everything he says. Do not, I mean do not get all clingy with him. That is what the problem was with Zach." I scoff because that is not what happened at all. Zach came on to me and that is how the whole thing started. But if he wants to believe that so, be it.

"Don't worry father, Ryder is straight."

Ryder walks back in as the phone on my dad's desk rings.

"Mr. Harlan, just a reminder your meeting starts in five minutes."

"Thank you, Seth." He cuts off the call on the intercom and looks at us. "Hate to cut this short but duty calls." He walks around his desk, and I stand up as he pulls me into a hug. "Remember what I said." I nod my head then he goes and shakes Ryder's hand. "I will call you later." Ryder nods and the infamous Marshall Harlan straightens out his suit and walks out of the office.

The moment the door shuts I jump up and Ryder catches me instinctively. "You need to stop doing that shit." I shake my head as I squeeze him tight. He does not understand what he just did for me. If it were up to my dad, I would not be able to see Kat or talk to her until this was all over with.

"Never." But I slide down his body and I love that feeling every time I do it. "You didn't have to do that but thank you. I mean, it will only be a week or two before this whole thing blows over anyways, but it means a lot."

"I don't think so Josh."

I wave him off as I link my arm with his. I just love the feel of him ever since the first time, it's intoxicating...addicting.  "I know so. This has happened more times than I can count. It's not that serious."

"That's not saying much about your intelligence." I smack him on the chest and damn what a mighty fine chest it is. "Shut up!" I stick my tongue out at him as we make our way out of my father's office. Ryder tries to shake my arm off, but I just hold on tighter.

"Something you should know. I love showing affection. That means this, holding hands, hugs you name it."

"Well, you don't need to do it with me." He grunts out and I just laugh. "Oh yes I do, Cowboy." I could have sworn I felt goosebumps on his skin before he finally shrugged me off of him.

"I don't do that shit."

"If I remember correctly, you had no problem with it when I was straddling you on your bed." I try to make a joke of it, but something snaps in him, and I am pinned against the wall. This would be such a major turn on but the look on his face I drop all playfulness.

"That was a moment of weakness. It will never happen again. I am here to do a job and keep you fucking safe, that's it. So, no hand holding, no hugging, no jumping up on me or clinging to me. Got it."

Dominance radiates off this man and God help me because I love it. 

"Got it." I frown as I try to get away from him, but he takes a step back and takes a deep breath. I walk past him but do not get far as he catches up to me and grabs my wrist. 

"I need to do my job, no distractions."

With that he walks in front me and checks out our surroundings before we leave the building.

Wait! Does that mean I am a distraction to him?

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