12. Oscar the Grouch

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                                                                              J O S H

I feel a nudge against me, and I honestly don't want to move, I am so damn comfortable right now. This time the nudge is a little harsher and I try to swat the annoying presence away.


Mmmm, please say my name like that again while my mouth is wrapped around your gigantic cock. I jolt awake at that thought and look up to see the hard glare in Ryder's eyes. Shit! Why is it when he looks at me like that he is still so damn sexy.

"What's going on?" I ask as I rub my eyes and look around to see passengers exiting the plane. "Oh! Never mind." I smile sheepishly at him as I reluctantly move away from him and his firm chest.

Ryder just grunts as he grabs our bags and moves aside for me to exit the plane with him in tow. As soon as I am ready to step off the plane he tugs me back, and my back is flushed to his chest. Fucking hell! How am I supposed to keep this little crush under control?

"What's wrong?" I turn my head to look at him and when he looks down at me all my willpower goes into not staring at his lips.

"I go first, you stay behind me."

I roll my eyes as I move out of his hold, any longer in his arms and I would be sporting a boner that would be hard to hide. I extend my arm out to gesture for him to go first and I swear I see that smirk begging to break free. He masks it quickly with his normal grunt.

Oh, Ryder Dawson I will break you one way or the other of your grumpy ways. No one has been able to resist my charm as of yet. We make our way off the plane, towards the car rental area. He leans up on the counter and the blonde behind the counter looks up and just stares. Yes, bitch he is gorgeous now move the fuck on. I swear she adjusts her breasts and I shudder. How anyone can like those things is beyond me.

"Car rental for Ryder Dawson." 

He doesn't seem fazed by her flirtatious ways, and I can't help but smirk at that. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Dawson there seems to be a problem." She puts her hand on his, but he snatches it away quickly. She tries to act indifferent to the rejection, but I can tell. "I see you requested a SUV but the last one was taken about ten minutes ago. We will have more tomorrow."

"What the hell are we supposed to do?  Fucking walk home! This is just great! Been on a plane more in the last seventy-two hours then I wanted to, now this!" He slams his hands down on the desk and I see the woman recoil from the aggression steaming off of him right now. 

Okay don't get me wrong I do not like her trying to flirt with him, but she doesn't deserve this.

"Cowboy." He whips his head around and snarls at me. Although I do not show any sign to this side of him it is not right and I do not like it one bit. He looks like a loose fucking cannon right now. What the hell is going on inside his head? I slowly grab hold of his arm and I hear him take an inhale of breath. "Ryder." I try again and his shoulders relax just a little. 

I turn to slutty McBride. Hey, just because I showed a little bit of compassion for her doesn't mean she is my new best friend. I give her my brightest smile and she returns it with a small one with a wary eye on Ryder. It's like she is ready to hit a panic button or something.

"Is there anything else available?" I ask still not letting go of this massive man next to me. She types away on the computer and list off some smaller compact cars, but looking at the size of Ryder I know they will not do. 

"I'm sorry, but that's all we have at the moment." Ryder rips himself away from me and grabs ahold of his phone and starts typing away.  "I will refund his deposit right away back onto his card on file."

"Thank you." I start to walk away when I hear her mutter. "Good luck with that moody asshole." I ball my hands into fists but just walk away. Was he rude and a little scary...yes. But I know deep down there is something eating away at him to make him the way he is. 

"Lucas is coming to get us." I almost bump right smack into him for not paying attention to what I was doing. "My brother must be busy at the moment." Then I see lips twitch up into a smile as he shakes his head. I wonder what that is all about. "He'll be here in fifteen minutes. Apparently, he was out this way." I nod my head as I go to grab my bags. Ryder just takes hold of them as we make our way to the front of the airport to wait for Lucas.

Once we settle down and wait, I smack him in the chest. He turns toward me and glares. it's still a sexy look on him, no one can tell me otherwise.

"What the hell was that for?"

"For being a complete dick back there. There was no reason to scare the crap out of her. Even if it would have been a funny sight." I slap my hand over my mouth, because I did not mean for that to slip out.

A deep belly laugh that rumbles out of him and I swear I want to purr at the sound.  Can I just lay my head in his lap and nuzzle my face into him until he runs his finger through my hair?

"You are something else Joshua Harlan." He chuckles again but for a split second my body stiffens until I realize for the first time, I love the way my name sounds coming from his lips.

"How so?" I furrow my brows in confusion. "Well, that wannabe barbie doll." I can't help but laugh at his description which is pretty accurate. "If she could have, she would have lost all the buttons on her top. Don't think I did not notice the look on your face." He smirks at me, and I can feel my cheeks flame in embarrassment. "I could have fucked her right there and she wouldn't have cared." I feel like my body drains of any color at the thought of that, but am saved as a car pulls up and I see Lucas. 

I jump up and snatch my luggage from Ryder and make my way over to him. "Couldn't wait to get away from Oscar the Grouch." I hear Ryder grunt and Lucas laughs when I turn to my Cowboy. The look on his face makes me burst out into a fit of giggles. 

"Oh my God! He so looks like Oscar right now." I throw my stuff into the back of the SUV and continue to laugh as Ryder flips Lucas off. "Shotgun!" I yell as I jump into the passenger seat and hear Ryder grumble some more as he slams the back of the SUV shut. 

Lucas winks at me as he sits in the driver seat. "This is going to be so much fun. Welcome back Josh."

"I'm in hell." Ryder groans as I see him lean his head back as Lucas takes off.  This just makes me, and Lucas laugh even harder.

I thought my nerves would get the best of me. Having an old friend around that might just be the best thing to help me get through this, and be able to deal with multiple personalities of one Mr. Ryder Dawson.

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