8. I'm So Screwed

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                                                                                  J O S H

To say that I was embarrassed was an understatement. I mean I haven't seen Lucas in so long and I felt bad that I really didn't get a chance to catch up with him. My father always making everything into a business matter, and that is not how I want to live my life. 

I put on a fake smile when I see Ryder ready to beat my father down. Man, that was so hot, him going all caveman like that. I shake the thought from my brain as I say goodbye and walk off with my dad. I hated leaving Kat there, but there is no way anyone says no to Marshall Harlan when he wants something.

"Who was that neanderthal?" My father questions and I want to scoff at that, but I don't, so I play it dumb with him.


He gives me a look and I shut my mouth really quickly. I love my father, but I hate when he acts like this and can't just act like my dad. The dad who would play catch with me when I was younger, or encourage me to draw one week and then the next when I wanted to do something totally different. He always encouraged me back then to be what I wanted to be. But now he wants to mold me into a clone of him which will never happen.

"He's friends with Lucas and I met him at a club not too long ago. His name is Ryder." I feel like an idiot because I do not even know his last name. Why didn't I ask him?

Because you wanted him to pin you to the bed and fuck you so hard.

I shake those thoughts from my head. Definitely do not need to think of that when I am sitting in the car with my dad. Now I can feel the bile rising up at that thought...gross.

"Oh, so he's like you?" He doesn't say it in a mean way, but it still feels like an insult. He just doesn't understand me being gay.

"No, he's straight." Even though that feels like a total lie against my lips. That man is definitely not straight even if he doesn't realize it yet. "Why did you pull me out of there?" I change the subject because I need to stop thinking about him.

"Because some things have come up and we need to get home." I go to protest because I still had a little over a week left before I would have been forced to come home one way or the other. When he looks at me, I shut up quickly. "It's time to grow up Josh, I have given you your space and have your freedom, but now you need to know the ins and outs of the company." I don't want this. I cannot picture myself in business suits for the rest of my life. I'm a free spirit for crying out loud.

I groan out loud which I did not mean to and earn a smack to the back of my head. "The next two months you will be shadowing me throughout the day." Great, just fucking great! Fuck my life. "Do not start Joshua, you will thank me in the end, when you take over."

"Sure." I mumble and put on another fake smile. It feels like that is all I do when I am home now, and I hate it. Something feels off though because he has never pulled me away from my "vacations" as he calls them before. "Is there something wrong dad?"

"No, why would there be?" He doesn't even look at me as he is typing away on his phone. 


When we pass the hotel, I go to speak but he beats me to it again. "Don't worry I booked Katrina's flight back and will have a driver take her to the airport."

"What? No! You can't have her travel alone. This is not right dad." What the hell is really going on? 

"I am and I did. Don't worry I bought an extra one for that guy she clung to. I really wished you and Katrina got together you would have been a great power couple." I laugh hysterically after I force the bile down my throat. I love my Kit Kat but never in a million years would that happen. 

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