2. Letting Loose

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                                                                                 R Y D E R

What the hell just happened?

That boy just stunned me, and I cannot move. I never expected a reaction to my sarcastic remark like that. He was just so lively and for the life of me he actually almost made me smile. Hell, he made me fucking laugh. I don't remember the last time I did that when it wasn't forced. I wonder where he went and hope he is okay.

I shake my head at that thought because it is none of my damn business. I feel a hand on my shoulder and spin around quickly ready to fight.

"Holy shit man!" He backs up and puts his hands up in surrender. So, I was right on my assumption earlier. "Johnny Meyers, how the hell are you man?" I bring him into a tight hug, and he pats my back.

"Fuck, Ry! Is that any way to treat your best friend?" He smirks at me as he pushes me back by the shoulder. "And what the hell is with the formal greeting? I shrug my shoulders as he pulls me back into a hug. "I missed you man, welcome back home." 

I scowl at that because I don't know what home is anymore, but I am here anyways. So, I pat his back again. 

"What brings you back to Lion's Den? Last time was quite entertaining." I smirk at him, and he flips me off. I can't help but throw my head back and laugh. No matter how much I feel like shit, Johnny knows how to make me feel somewhat normal.

"My girl." He says as he points to where she is, and I happen to end up locking eyes with him again. His eyes go wide, and he tries to hide behind her while she chats away with him. I feel my lips twitch again, but I scowl instead.

"Who's the twink with her?"  That earns a shove to the shoulder and a glare from Johnny, which is unusual. Johnny is one of the most laid-back guys I know. He's the calm to my storm which has always worked out great for our friendship. He's my voice of reason most of the time.

"That's Josh Harlan he's Katrina's best friend. He's a really nice guy."

"Yeah, one who likes to get himself into trouble."

Johnny laughs and pats my shoulder. "Still got that hero complex I see."

Not anymore after what happened. I shake my head I cannot relive that again right now. Those nightmares will come to me later. "I was ready to beat your ass earlier when you put your arms around her waist when I thought she was with him."

Johnny laughs again as he swings an arm around my shoulder. I tense for a slight second but then relax. He is lucky he is my best friend, or I would knock him on his ass.

"Come on man, let me introduce you."

I rather not right now, but since it is him, I will keep my mouth shut and follow his lead.

"I'm telling you Kit Kat he is so fucking hot. I just want to climb up that damn body again." I hide my laugh with a cough as we get closer and Johnny kisses Kat's cheek.

"Hey babe, Josh." Josh nods and I can see his face heating up. "I want to introduce you to my best friend. Ryder this is Katrina and Josh."

Kat beams up at me and I can see why Johnny likes her she is hot for a librarian type of woman. "It's Kat and nice to meet you. But you already know my best friend Josh." She pushes the guy in front of her and he stumbles, and I instinctively go to stop him from getting hurt. I curse myself from trying to be a good guy when I'm anything but, not after...fuck stop thinking about it. I need a fucking drink but his hands land on my chest and he looks up at me through thick lashes.


"You good?" I ask as he lets his hands fall from me, but I feel his fingers trail down my chest. I don't think he did it intentionally. "Fucking hell!" He mumbles and a chuckle escapes my lips, but I stop before it becomes a full-blown laugh. I don't deserve to be happy. He's got abs he mouths towards Kat and my lips twitch again. Fucking hell is right. What is going on?

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