35. I Just Fucking Know It

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                                                                                         R Y D E R 

I don't know what the hell came over me. I have never once since this thing has started with us think about ever letting him fuck me. But something about this man and watching him as I fuck him is erotic. I'm curious, I want to know how it would feel. Is it pure bliss like the expressions on his face?  I want to feel that, even though I feel that high when I am with him...I want more.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when he moves off my lap and grabs my shirt and puts his over his body. I rub the back of my neck feeling embarrassed. He makes me feel vulnerable and I hate that feeling, but at the same time I like how he makes me feel.


"You know what forget it. It was a stupid idea." I grab my boxers and put them on. "It's not that, it's just I..." I finally look at him and he looks unbelievably shy all of the sudden. I have never known Josh to be shy, it's something that draws me to him. His confidence and I don't give a shit what you think of my attitude. "What is it?" I turn to face him and place my hand on his cheek. He automatically leans into my touch, and I love it, it's automatic and I don't think he realizes he is doing it. "I have never done that." He bows his head, and I can see his cheeks heat up.

Fucking adorable

"You're telling me you have never fucked someone before." He shakes his head, but I lift his chin up and look into his eyes. So much emotion swimming in them, that you could get lost for hours in them. I lean in and kiss him softly for a quick moment. When I pull back, he leans in closer and damn I want to devour him all over again. I smirk at him, and he scrunches his brows at me. "Well, if you win, you get to experience firsthand." I crash my lips to his and pull him back on top of me.

I grab the back of his hair and tug, a moan escapes his throat and fuck I realize now he is not wearing anything under my shirt. My lips descend upon his neck and suck hard on the skin, loving the taste of him. "Fuck!" He breathes out as his dick brushes up against mine and fuck, I wish I didn't put my boxers back on. "You know you want to fuck me." I say as I look into his eyes. I swear when I am around him that everything just spills out of my mouth. "To have total control over me." I moan as I nibble on his ear. "To fuck me the way I fuck you." I look deep in his eyes as he grinds on me some more. 

This was a bad idea. I am ready to fuck him over and over again. He grabs the back of my neck and crashes his lips to mine, as his other hand roams over my body and then he pinches my nipple. "Fuck, Cowboy!" He pants out heavily and I am right there with him. He shocks me as he gets off of me and out of the car. 

What the fuck just happened? 

He peaks his head and laughs, usually this would set me off, but I am too speechless right now. "Nice try Cowboy but you will have to do a lot more than that to get me to cave." I hit my head on the back of the seat and groan. For a moment I forgot all about the bet and just wanted to be connected to him once again. I hear his laughter as he opens the trunk, and I can hear him rummaging through things. Once it slams shut, I run my hands over my face. The little shit has got me frustrated and I know I will have blue balls before the end of this.

I feel a shirt thrown at me and see him in sweats and my shirt smiling at me like he is not as out of whack like I am. "Come on we need to get back on the road." Yeah, Chris will have my head if I miss his fucking wedding. No scratch that Stacy will have my balls handed to me on a silver platter. Just thinking of that makes my dick shrivel and I sigh in relief from it not being so painfully hard. Josh notices and gives me a questioning look. I just laugh as I get out of the car and pull some pants on as well.

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