64. Ghosts from the Past

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                                                                                 R Y D E R

"I'm doing this, and you can't fucking stop me!" 

No one is going to stop me! The moment that bastard is exterminated is the moment Josh can heal. If they don't like it, they can go fuck themselves!

"If I have to, I fucking will! Josh needs you. We don't even know where he is."

"I know someone who will."

"Connor is in a damn comma!" Good riddance!  "We do not know when he will wake up." If he wakes up, I might finish the job. Put the bastard out of his misery! 

He was a part of this whole damn plan, along with Candice, Zach and his fucking brother. Twin fucking brother! He's Ghost, I just know it! Someone lied to us, and I plan to get answers even if it is a suicide mission.

"That's not who I am talking about." Leaving Josh was the hardest thing to do, but he has Katrina with him and his father. As much as I hate the bastard for what he did to his son, Josh needs him to be the father he used to be. Grabbing my gun and my knife tucking them away in my bag. "You can either come with or not."

"Fuck! You are going to get us killed, Stryker!"

I don't care! The one person that should have never got hurt, did! That's on me. I will make it right even with my dying breath.

"I'll do it! I have nothing to lose or gain from this, but you have everything to lose."

"No!" I don't mind him being by my side on this crazy mission but not to go alone.

"I'm sorry, brother." I wasn't fast enough when the needle gets jabbed into my neck. Betrayed by someone I considered family. My hands wrap around his neck as he presses his forehead to mine. "You left me know choice Ry. Like I said, I have nothing to lose, but you do. I'll take care of this." 

No! Trying to speak feels impossible as I cannot feel my hands anymore when they lose their grip. The panic rises in me. I cannot lose him like I did Johnny, but he is already out the door. My body is dropping out of consciousness faster than I expected. If River makes it out of this alive, I'm going to kill him! Those are my last thoughts before I drift off.

"Never expected to see you again."


"Who the fuck else do you think it is?" Am I dead? I'm still in my hotel room so I'm not sure. "You're not dead you idiot!"

"You're dead!"

"Well, yeah." When his laughter fills the room, it warms my heart. I missed that, and his ugly face. "Watch it! If anyone is ugly out of the two of us, it's definitely you!"

"What the fuck!" Jumping up, the bastard just laughs some more.

"This is hilarious! The big bad Ryder Dawson, is scared of a ghost."

"Fuck you!"

"Not my type, sweetheart." Fuck! I miss him and his crazy self. "Miss you too brother."

"Quit it with that shit!" Sitting back down I turn towards my best friend. This is so fucking strange. 

"Don't kill Riv, he was only looking out for you." I know he is right, but I might just beat the shit out of him. "Also, this is my one chance, so I need to get this shit out. You'll know when it's the right time but tell him it's okay. He's going to need us, well you more than you know."

"You used your one fucking chance to tell me about River."

"Someone sounds jealous."

"Definitely not!"

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