136. I have some news

274 11 13

I'm not running away
You got to carry me
Staying right here now
Carry me
Staying right here now
Staying right here now, that's right right here

The early morning sounds of birds flying over the marsh and rustle of the tree branches in the wind is what Kie wakes to, the tall grass being a comforting hiding place. She stirs in JJ's arms, nuzzling her face into his chest.

They fed the fire as late as heavy eyelids allowed. As she assesses it now, ember's still smoking, she assumes JJ was able to keep it going well past her ability to stay awake.

They didn't go into the old shack. Didn't even try. The locks were changed, and JJ made no indication that he wanted to ever set foot back in the place again. It was strange that he took her here at all, but also not. Felt like he had moved past letting it tear into him.

Maybe that's how you really know when something is in your past. When you can confront it without feeling like it's eating away at you. And God, has JJ fought for that.

Thinking of the man beneath her, she lifts her head to gaze up at him. There was nothing particularly different than his last day being seventeen. For some reason she thought there might be. Like the world considering him an adult somehow made him look it.

That's not how you really know you're an adult, though. If anything, being legally an adult was the only thing JJ was waiting on. His whole life he'd even forced to grow up early, parenting himself for longer than any of the Pogues. Even John B had Big John more than JJ had a reliable parent, and he was always gone for weeks at a time.

At times he did a shit job of taking care of himself. Did the best he could, but Kie knows that eating moldy bread and wearing clothes with holes in them isn't the successful image of self reliance that JJ always thought it was. All the same, what choice did he really have?

She takes a deep breath, eyes becoming more attuned to the light around them. It was going to be a much warmer day with how bright the sun is shining. Spring is begging to be let in as winter gives up its hold.

She feels a hand run through her hair, and trail down her spine. His eyes are still closed when she looks up at him, but she can tell that's just him trying to wake gradually. When his hand meets the swell of her ass she giggles.

"Oh yeah, you're super asleep."

He smirks as he opens his eyes, shrugging. "What, it was a dream," he tells her.

Kie hums in mock belief. "I believe you."

"Yeah?" he says, completely missing the sarcasm, causing her to laugh, swatting his chest.

"No, I don't," she whispers, leaning up to connect their lips.

He gladly gives in, choosing to deepen it when she leans back, encouraging him to follow her into the grass. It's dewy from the morning but she doesn't care. Her fingers twist in his hair while the other plays with the buttons on his pants.

Far more forward than JJ was expecting her to be, but he is not ever going to complain about it. Can't help but grin though, hands finding her hips, knee sliding between her legs to answer the invitation.

Her instinct is to tug at his zipper, hand gliding into his jeans to feel him up. His breath catches against her mouth and it's her turn to smirk, very clearly pleased with the reaction.

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