45. Sam

476 9 38

Your time will come
If you let it be right, if you let it be right
Your time will come
If you let it be right, if you let it be right
-Caught A Ghost

JJ stood on the beach of Kildare Cove, his surf board propped against the palm tree he was standing under. The atmosphere giving him an excited energy, despite the relative calm of the area. Few people were around, but that would change quickly.

It had rained earlier but the temperatures were so high that even in the early morning it was a warm wind that brushed his cheeks. He enjoyed breathing in the moisture as he watched the large waves roar in a peaceful pale blue hue.

He was sorting out the last few days. Thinking how different the projectory of his life was before his conversation on the beach with Ben.

The Outer Banks Surf Competition semi-finals were today. JJ had passed with flying colors through the first two rounds in the two days before. It was more thrilling than he thought it was going to be, honestly. He was a competitive person so really shouldn't have been surprised by how much he enjoyed it. And the other challengers were good, he'd have to admit. Some were already on college teams; some were hoping to catch a recruiter's attention. JJ found himself in that boat specifically.

Ben wasn't his coach yet, so he stayed away from JJ during the first two rounds, not wanting to be any kind of influence or assist him in any way. But he was watching. Always observing and keeping an eye. JJ could feel it when he was in the water. Maybe that was just his nerves. Knowing that you were being watched was in itself enough to put you on edge, but having a shot on a college surfing team riding on it as well? That was a whole other ball game.

And then there was Shoupe. JJ rolled his eyes affectionately at the thought of the older man. When JJ had returned home the night he talked to Ben, Shoupe all but confirmed being aware by the look he gave JJ when he told him he planned to enter. He couldn't hide the look of what JJ guessed was satisfaction. The guy had been pretty bummed about JJ turning down the opportunity not two days before.

"Why didn't you tell me what he wanted?" JJ asked Shoupe, referencing Ben's desire to see him surf. Could have said something before that weird ass dinner at the Wreck.

"I didn't want it to come off like it was a favor to me." Shoupe said. "Wanted you to know you earned it."

JJ got that. He did have a tendency to react poorly to good intentions. And he was highly aware of pity and had zero interest in anything that resembled it. Last thing he would have accepted was an offer to give him a shot just because Shoupe set it up. That would have been humiliating.

Ben seeking him out on the beach and watching him surf made it feel real. Like he was really worth seeking out in the first place. And shit, if he didn't like what he saw he could have just left and not said a word. It made JJ believe in himself. Shoupe made the right call and JJ knew it.

JJ pushed out his lower lip in acknowledgement. "Still got the competition though," he reminded. "Haven't earned anything yet."

"You will."

JJ was still having a hard time believing he even had the opportunity to show off his skills. He'd never been able to compete before. No fucking way Luke would ever sign him up, least of all pay for it. Shoupe did though, which honestly surprised him. JJ had his own money and didn't expect Shoupe to do more than sign the waivers so he could participate. But the deputy easily pulled out his wallet and paid the fee, never giving it a second thought.

Shoupe at least had the curtesy to not make it a big deal. Unlike Kie, who didn't try to hide her feelings at all. Proudly grinning at him as they headed back to the Jeep throwing out 'I told you so's the entire drive back to her house.

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