56. Letting me stay

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We live in cities, you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty but we sure know how to run things
Livin' in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's minds team

They ride to the Sheriff's station on JJ's motorbike. JJ is tense the entire time and Kie holds on to him tighter than she ever has as they fly down the main road, just to remind him that she's there. He's not alone, she's got him.

As they drive through town Kie is constantly scanning the area for Luke. She expected him to be lurking in the shadows, ready to strike a crushing blow like the monster he is. She wonders, of all things, if he's upset that JJ took his pills before he headed off into the sunset. Would that be reason enough to come back and seek revenge?

The Sherriff's station is in the middle of town and JJ's head operates on a swivel as they come to a stop and make their way inside, like he's thinking the same think she is. Luke could be lying in wait.

The secretary manning the front desk is on the phone and raises a finger to indicate that they have to wait before being seen by an officer. She's obviously not concerned about a potential emergency she could be ignoring as she chats on with what is obviously personal call.

JJ rolls his eyes, ignoring the woman and begins to walk into the area where the deputies' desks are located. He's been here enough times to know exactly where to find Shoupe.

It's busy. Most of the deputies are with other people either taking reports or booking offenders. No one really gives them a second look as they wander though. No one except Plumb.

"Come to turn yourself in?" she jabs, crossing her arms as she makes a move to stand in their path between two desks.

"I need to talk to Shoupe," JJ tells her. It's direct and urgent. Like he couldn't care less that she's trying to make a tone-deaf joke at his expense.

Plumb gives him a condescending look as he attempts to glance over her shoulder. She continues to block his path, putting a hand up to his chest to stop his advance.

"Ain't got something to do with your old man, does it?"

His whole body tenses as he meets the deputy's eye. A chill goes through him. He tells himself it's normal that Plumb would know about Luke. He was walking around a public gas station not an hour ago. Obviously, people have seen him. Someone must have reported him already.

So why does the look in the officer's eye feel different? Why is his blood running cold?

Why doesn't he feel safe...

Plumb sees the reaction she was looking for and her face turns into a greasy smile as she runs her tongue over her teeth.

"Shoupe's in his office," she informs.

It takes JJ a second to tear his eyes away from her. Something doesn't feel right. Kie shoots her a dirty look as Plumb makes way for them, opening her arm in welcome to their destination.

Shoupe looks up from his desk and makes eye contact with JJ through the blinds in his wall window. He doesn't like the look on Shoupe's face either.

JJ furrows his brow, setting his face in a hard line when Shoupe motions for them to come into his office.

It's silent at first. JJ is suddenly unsure of why he agreed to come here. Every old instinct he had was telling him to keep his mouth shut. That it was more dangerous to speak out than say nothing. He's done that so many times before.

But things are different now. There are people in his life, adults no less, that care about his wellbeing. And the one in front if him has made it beyond clear that his number one priority is JJ's safety. And he doesn't feel safe right now.

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