57. Protection Order

437 9 13

Put your arms around somebody else
Don't punish yourself, punish yourself
The truth is like blood underneath your fingernails
And you don't want to hurt yourself, hurt yourself
Looking too closely
Looking too closely

JJ not being under his roof bothered Shoupe for a few reasons.

For one, JJ was his responsibility. He had an obligation to make sure he stayed out of trouble and on the straight and narrow. That was considerably harder when he wasn't within eyesight.

Second, Luke Maybank was in Kildare, walking around free as a bird and Shoupe hadn't gotten the image of JJ's x-rays out of his head since he saw them lit up on a medical screen. Luke was dangerous, and he shouldn't be anywhere near JJ.

On top of that, the older Maybank knew where the chateau was.

The Maybank man had been laying low and neither Shoupe nor his fellow deputies had a run in with him since he'd arrived. That didn't mean he wouldn't cause trouble, including seeking out his son and the first place he was bound to look was the chateau.

It's why Shoupe was standing outside on the porch of the Routledge home, knocking with a firm hand on the door. The Routledge boy answers with irritation before his eyes land on the deputy and then go wide as he turns to face his friend who's sitting at the kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal.

"What?" JJ asks, mouth full of lucky charms.

"Door for you," the Routledge boy replies then quickly walks into what Shoupe supposes is his bedroom.

Shoupe takes a step into the home and JJ rolls his eyes. Glad to see his presence is tolerated. He takes in JJ's rough appearance. Still wearing the same clothes he had on when he left the station because all his belongings were at home and he hadn't come by to get new ones. His eyes were tired and hair disheveled, like he had a restless night of sleep. Shoupe knew how that felt, his last few nights hadn't been particularly restful either.

"Time to go home, JJ," Shoupe says simply.

JJ scoffs, "What home."

"Come on," Shoupe encourages, nodding his head towards the door.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

Shoupe is a little surprised with the level of opposition he's receiving right now. He's let JJ run free the last three days. It's the longest the boy has been away from the residence since he moved in and was allowed all in hopes that he would cool off. He knew he upset the boy but he wasn't expecting him to still be this angry.

They've had disagreements in the past, always able to get over them well enough. Maybe he was naive to think this would be so easily smoothed over. Nevertheless.

"JJ, you can't stay here," Shoupe tells him, voice becoming a little more forceful.

"Well, I have been, and I'm not gonna stop just because you say so," JJ jabs as he crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.

Shoupe sighs in frustration. He's slowly losing his patience with the kid. The longer JJ stays in this house the greater the odds are that Luke tracks him down.

"Look, kid, I know you're still pissed at me, and that's fine," Shoupe insists. "But you are not staying another night here, that's the end of it."

"Oh yeah? And why is that?" JJ antagonizes.

"Because it's not safe, JJ!" Shoupe breaks. "You don't think Luke will come looking for you here?"

Shoupe rubs his forehead, immediately attempting to reign in his emotions at the situation before him. He's a pretty levelheaded guy but his own anxiety is rising every second he doesn't get this kid out of this goddamn house.

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