43. Condition

389 10 24

Intense, this shit, it gets dense
She knows when I'm out of it
like she could just sense
If I had a million dollars,
or was down to ten cents
She'd be down for whatever,
never gotta convince
You know

Turns out, JJ was right. Ben didn't appear to want to see JJ surf, or really talk surfing in general. He came back to the table and the two older men were talking about the good ole days and the conversation never circled back to the topic.

JJ wasn't surprised. He figured Ben was just trying to engage him. Shoupe told him he surfed, Ben was a surf coach. They obviously both loved the sport, of course he'd try to talk about it with him.

He would be reluctant to admit it but part of him wanted to be hopeful. Having someone want him for something he was so passionate about got him excited for a second, though there was no way he would ever voice that, not even to Kie.

Part of him wonders if he fucked it up. He wasn't exactly his most friendly self to the guy and maybe he gave the impression he didn't take surfing seriously. Yeah, that would track. He was always fucking up everything and it would make sense that he'd do it again. Par for the course.

To be fair, he wasn't aware of what was going on, that is if Ben really being interested in him joining his team was what was going on. Which it probably wasn't. No. It definitely wasn't. He couldn't let himself think he blew such an opportunity. Especially when he was on his way to Kie's house.

He definitely needed his mind clear for this.

JJ pulled into the Carrera's drive way and turned the ignition off. He slid out of the front seat of Kie's Jeep, looking around the picture perfect neighborhood. It was weird to be here in the day time. Most of the the time he only came around at night.

The few neighbors that are out give him strange looks and awkward stares, wondering why he was around when he so clearly didn't belong. He gives a short wave and fake smile to the lady next door who was sitting on her lawn chair. She simply raised her book over her face, blocking him from her line of sight. 

He forgot at times how Kie was raised in a Kook world. And while he knew she obviously deserved better than some bum ass shack on the Cut, she certainly didn't do anything to warrant being stuck in this emotional hell hole. He could feel the condescension itch it's way through his back. It literally made him shiver involuntarily.

"Hey," he hears Kie call as she leaves her house.

"Sup?" he calls back. She looks back at the house before giving him a chaste kiss and he stifles a comment about her need to literally look over her shoulder before making moves around here. He completely gets it, but that doesn't make it any less fucked up.

They hear the door open and Kie gives JJ a tight smile before she turns to face her dad. She was extremely anxious about this, more so than even dinner. Mainly because she didn't want JJ to be disappointed when her dad no doubtably would continue to turn down the Jeep for her.

"JJ," Mike says by way of greeting. His curtness didn't appear to make JJ stumble. Kie guessed he was used to it by now. Or at least he was really good at ignoring rudeness.

Kie was not.

"Okay, dad," she starts. "You promised you'd be fair."

"Kiara, give me some credit," Mike says.

"We got this, Kie," JJ says, flashing them both a confident smile. Mike narrowed his eyes minutely but JJ just tossed him the keys. "Figured you'd wanna drive it, right?"

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