88. I Get It

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Yeah I'm right here
I'm trying to make it clear
That getting half of you, just ain't enough
I'm not gonna wait until your done
Pretending you don't need anyone
I'm standing here naked
-James Author

JJ enters the chateau and immediately seeks out the first Pogue he can find. He needs to talk to someone, someone not Kie, now. He looks for John B or Pope, but they aren't immediately present. It's not really surprising considering what he's walked in on.

With the glowing green and purple lights, cobwebs(which probably aren't all fake), and a fog machine going, not to mention the wide variety of witches, ghouls and other costumes, the place looks like something out of a haunted house theme park. There are definitely way more people here than anyone expected. Sarah clearly stuffed every person that remotely knew her name into this place, that's for sure.

Speaking of said blond Cameron, he spots her near by talking with a few girls who must be from the kook academy. They're all dressed up like the cast of the Little Mermaid and the costumes definitely don't look cheap. Yup, she definitely invited everyone she knew.

He practically rushes at her. The group of girls surrounding her are clearly not expecting it because they back up when he enters the circle. He's not giving anyone but Sarah a spare glance though.

"Ugh!" Sarah huffs in annoyance, ignoring the alarm from the other girls at his sudden appearance and tension filled energy. "You're supposed to be wearing a costume, dick," she whines, angel wings trembling when she stomps her foot. "You're literally the only one here not dressed up!" JJ rolls his eyes at her plight.

He doesn't have time for this. He grabs her hand and pulls her out of the group. He can hear her muffled protests but he doesn't let her go until they've reached John B's bedroom door. It was always locked at parties. There wasn't really anything that was worth stealing in it, but try telling John B his childhood teddy was worthless. The golden doodle.

JJ pushes the handle upwards, effectively triggering the known kink in the shitty security system and once again grabs Sarah, pulling her in by her arm when she starts to walk away, and slams the door shut.

"What the fuck, JJ," Sarah scowls. Being dragged from her own party to hide out in the bedroom of her boyfriend by wasn't what she had envisioned for the night.

It's also weird that he grabbed her of all people. Usually John B is his go to for help, which he obviously is looking for if the increasing stress radiating off of him is any sign. She felt like she was the last person he would come to, honestly. She was the last to join the group and JJ was naturally skeptical of newcomers. They've come a long way but still. She's never been pulled aside like this.

Even still, her concern is triggered when she watches JJ start to pace. He's clearly in distress and it's freaking her out, honestly. He's mumbling lowly under his breath in an unintelligible tone. No wonder those chicks backed up.

Whatever is on his mind...

"Words, JJ," Sarah reminds. "I'm not a mind reader."

He turns, looking at her like he just realized who he's pulled into the room with him. This was a bad idea.

It's not like Sarah hasn't helped him out in the past, she totally has. And she was a pretty cool chick and a Pogue despite her address, so it's got nothing to do with that. Could even think of her as a sister if he squinted, but that doesn't change one glaring miscalculation that he's suddenly recognizing with his plan to talk this out with her.

That being that she's probably not the best person to have this conversation with at all. She is Kie's best friend and her best friend first.


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