11. We need to talk about Kiara

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And all those nights we snuck out
Lie to meet up at the park
Don't worry my love
We are learning to love
But it's hard when we're young
It's hard when we're young

Shoupe was in the kitchen pouring himself a cup of coffee when he heard a knock on the door. It's an early Monday morning. He turned to steal a glance down the hall at JJ's bedroom. The door was closed and he didn't hear any movement so he assumed he was still asleep.

Shoupe heard him wander into the house late last night. He had said he was going to stay at John B's so Shoupe grabbed the bat he kept by his night stand in the event of a break in. His fire arm was always locked up when he was at home, especially since JJ started living with him. Kid already had a fixation on guns, last thing he needed was his work firearm to land in his hands.

When he toed down the stairs to investigate he caught JJ walking into his room, shutting the door behind him. Shoupe could hear him fall into his bed. Shoupe's shoulders relaxed and he let out a sigh, putting his hand on his head. This kid was going to give him a heart attack.

Shoupe shook his head as he made his way upstairs, smiling slightly. The Maybank kid was coming back to the house more often, even if he'd said he was going to be out and not sleeping there. Shoupe didn't dare bring his attention to it, he didn't want to scare him off from it.

The thought of that puzzled Shoupe for a moment. He was surprised to find when he thought about it he felt better when JJ was under his roof. It was more than the need to keep an eye on his new responsibility. He actually was finding he cared about the Maybank kid. As much trouble JJ had amassed over the years, his reputation for it longer than a CVS receipt, he seemed to be trying. JJ hadn't missed school, was following the house rules, and honestly was kind of funny.

The door knocked again and Shoupe was startled back from his thoughts. When he answered he saw Darcy, the case worker with the county holding a binder close to her chest. She smiled widely at Shoupe.

"Hello Mr. Shoupe," she said. "You didn't forget we were meeting did you?" She asked, looking at his confused face.

"Oh, right," he said in realization, opening the door further so she could enter. "Sorry, it's a Monday."

Darcy observed the home as she entered. This was just a routine visit. JJ's case would remain open until he turned eighteen so she would be checking in on a regular basis. Shoupe was aware of that but clearly forgot their set appointment.

"Is JJ here?" She asked, looking around and gesturing to the lack of the boy's presence.

Shoupe excused himself to seek out the boy. He knocked on his bedroom door, being extremely careful to not enter without permission and told JJ through the door to hustle with getting ready for school as Darcy needed to check in on him before he left. He heard a quick "coming!" from the other side and could hear JJ opening and closing the dresser drawers.

"He'll be out in a minute," Shoupe said, returning to the kitchen and indicating that she could have a seat at the table.

"So," she said, putting her hands in her lap. "How's it been going?" She was much too cheerful for this time of the morning. "Any issues or problems?"

"It was a bit of a rocky start to begin with, I'll admit," Shoupe started. He turned his head back around to see if JJ's door was still closed. "I think we're doing pretty good though, honestly. I think he's adjusting well."

Darcy gave her nod and smile of approval just before they heard JJ's door close and he walked up behind Shoupe. Darcy's face fell immediately. Shoupe, puzzled by her sudden visible change in mood, turned around to look at JJ as he continued walking through the kitchen and to the fridge, an obvious purple and blue bruise was wide across his cheek.

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