71. No real competition

302 9 19

It's so sweet knowing that you love me
Though we don't need to say it to each other,
Sweet knowing that I love you and running my fingers through your hair
It's so sweet
-Cigarettes After Sex

Kie hears the door to JJ and Shoupe's room close. She hadn't wanted to go anywhere to eat. Not after JJ snapped at her after his run.

They've gotten into arguments before sure, they've both given attitude but that was when they actually had something to be mad about. This just felt like he was pissed about his run and was taking it out on her. She wasn't okay with that.

She listens for any sound coming from the other side of the room that would tell her that she's not alone. Maybe they both left. She told Shoupe she didn't want to go anywhere. JJ hasn't said anything to her since they came back, maybe he was still pissed at her for God knows what.

She's leaning in, ear pressed against the door. If only she had a glass to help her hear through the near paper-thin door, she thinks. Thank God she doesn't cause that would have been even more embarrassing when it suddenly swings wide open, and she has to take a step forward to stop herself from falling.

"Were you spying on me?" JJ asks, hint of playfulness in his tone.

"What, no," she denies. "I was just about to open the door too." He considers it for a second.

"Alright, what did you need?"


"Well, what did you?" she challenges.

JJ nods, pulling his bottom lip in as he scans her face momentarily before dropping his gaze to the floor, hands tucked into the pockets of his shorts.

"I'm sorry, alright?"

Her features soften slightly, her curiosity peaking. She'll take the apology; they both know he snapped but that doesn't mean she knows why.

"What for?"

"I—" he starts to look anywhere but where she's standing, struggling to find the words he needs to explain his behavior. "I was a dick."

"Agreed, why?"

He huffs out a breath, clearly hoping she'd just take the apology and let it go. Couldn't be mad though. He knew who he was in a relationship with. Who he was best friends with. If he wanted to mess up and not talk about why, well, he knew that wouldn't happen with her. Can't fault him for trying though.

"Kie, please, it's embarrassing okay."

"Embarrassing? Like yelling at me on the beach wasn't?" she argues.
He winces, that's fair. "Ugh fine, I was pissed that fucking jackass was making moves on you, alright?" He rushes the words out like he's spitting out something disgusting.

Kie has a moment of confusion as she tries to sort through what he's talking about. She didn't actually think he was mad about her talking to another guy, she thought that was just the outlet to something else. She's still not convinced.

"I don't follow," she informs.

"Daniel, Daniel Scott," JJ repeats. "He touched your shoulder at the restaurant and was hitting you up on the beach."

Hitting her up? Kie bites back a smile, not really succeeding because, "Touched my shoulder?" she asks, tone amused.

JJ throws up his hands in exasperation. He knows it sounds dumb. Even more so when he says it out loud. How did he let himself get in so deep that something like that bothered him?

"God, I love you," he breathes with newfound realization. She comes up to him, wrapping her arms around his middle as he continues in an almost lamenting protest. "Like seriously, too much—" It was the only explanation, right? What else could make someone feel this crazy?

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