19. It doesn't make sense

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All the things that I know
That your parents don't
They don't care like I do
Nowhere like I do

Kiara doesn't reach out to the Pogues when she returns. She hasn't even responded to any of the messages in the Pogue chat either. Calls to meet up at the chateau or Rixon's go unanswered as she watches plans be made without her. She notices that JJ has stopped responding as well and she wonders if that's because he is trying to avoid her.

It's obvious that JJ hasn't told them they have broken up. There would be no way Sarah would not have called her a dozen times or stormed into her room to wrap her in a hug while whispering threats to murder JJ with her bare hands.

She knows that John B and Pope would leap to her defense, saying that JJ is an idiot and that he'd come around. They'd probably force them into an uncomfortable situation like at the last party and try and make them get back together.

They would try to help. Try to fix it. And that's exactly why Kiara hasn't told them she's back. She wants to fix things with JJ but it's not something the Pogues should help with this time. JJ ended it with her, and that was his decision. She couldn't bare to have their friends push them together if it wasn't what he wanted.

She knows she can't avoid them much longer though. They've been back for two days. Eventually Pope is going to call her out directly for not replying or John B is going to make a comment about her and JJ just sneaking around without them.

As much as she wants to hide away in the safety of her home, she can't. The morning of the third day they are home her dad demands she come to the Wreck for her shift. She has to "get out of this funk" and they needed help at the restaurant.

Mike never asks her what's wrong directly, just expects her to snap out of it. She doesn't question why. Besides, it's not the worst thing that he's leaving her alone about it.

Anna on the other hand has attempted to talk to her several times, even going as far as to say JJ's name. Kiara immediately shuts that line of questioning down when she does. She can't stand to think about him right now, especially with her mom. She's never been a fan anyway so why would she care now?

So, Kiara stands behind the bar at the Wreck, watching hoards of people pour in from all over the Island and mainland on vacation. Tourist season has fully arrived. She forgot what a mad house it is compared to the locals during the off season.

By the end of her shift, she's not had much time to think, being able to get lost in it all which is a welcome respite in comparison to her spiraling thoughts about JJ.

It's during shift change that she has her reality thrown almost directly in her face when she turns from the register and sees an approaching figure.


Kiara ducks as he makes his way over. He hasn't spotted her and stands waiting for someone to assist him. It's just before the dinner rush and the servers that are working it haven't clocked in yet. Technically, it's still her job to help him.

After a minute she peers her head over the edge of the bar top, just enough to see that he is still standing there and accidentally makes small eye contact with him before diving back under.

"Kiara?" he asks curiously, thinking he saw the Carrera girl and all her curls peer up over the counter.

She curses under her breath before popping back up. She gives him a tight-lipped smile. She quickly glances around to make sure he's actually alone and a certain boy hasn't come with him. She's both relieved and disappointed he's alone.

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