36. I got her

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You know you're beautiful
But that ain't half the gold treasure in your soul that you got
Cause I want it all
With your fingers in my mouth, I fail to see your faults
So please don't let me fall
So please don't let me fall
-Yoke Lore

"Kiara!" she hears her name being called from under the covers of her comforter in her room.
Her name being elongated to emphasize a need for her response. She groans, throwing the covers off her face.

"What!" she shouts back.

"Get up, we are going to the Wreck in ten minutes!" Anna informs, still yelling from the bottom of the stairs.

This catches her attention. Anna had been patient with her lately. Kiara hadn't returned to work at the Wreck in weeks, not wanting to run into her dad and thankfully her mom was understanding of that. At home she had been staying in her room to avoid him and he largely didn't go out of his way to speak to her. Everything was still so heated since the morning outside Shoup's.

It seemed that her parents were very much still at odds with each other over how to handle Kiara relationship with JJ. Anna was clearly the one calling the shots currently, as there hasn't been anymore conversations about it since Anna apologized for her dad's behavior a couple weeks ago.

Anna was reluctant to forgive Mike for sneaking behind her back. Though they were careful to keep heated fights and disagreements out of view from their daughter, Kiara could see what wasn't there. They didn't laugh and tease each other at breakfast and there were no flirty comments before bed, no uncomfortable physical affection in front of her. Not that Kiara minded that, honestly.

Anna came to Kiara's room when she continued to refuse to remove herself from her bed. "Kie, I need you up," Anna said, as if they were suddenly back to normal. "We have to go, come on."

Kiara had just gotten back to her room a couple of hours ago. She was still staying the night at JJ's a few times a week, wanting to be there for him, particularly after his sessions with Dani. That seemed to be when his mind would turn the most and she could tell her presence comforted him.

Of course, her parents were never going to be keen on that desire so she was sneaking out after they got to bed and coming in before they woke up. It was worth it but none the less exhausting.

Not as exhausting as being in a room with her dad, however.

"I'm not going to the Wreck," Kiara says flatly.

"Enough, Kiara, I need you." Anna pulls out a Wreck t-shirt from her dresser and tosses it her way. "We've had three people call out, it's time to get back to work."

Kiara grunted but rolled out of bed. She didn't want to see her dad but having that many people out made her feel guilty. She knew her mom would be serving too, which was hilarious. She rarely pulled shifts but there she stood in a standard Wreck t-shirt and jeans. They must be super desperate.

She looks at her mom with an irritated expression. Anna clocked it but chose not to say anything. She didn't need an argument right now and she believed Kiara and Mike needed to get over each other.

Anna had her own qualms with Mike but she was at least working through them. Kiara and Mike barely acknowledged each other and though Anna could agree it was Mike who was in the wrong, Kiara leaving them high and dry was not going into work. They relied on her as one of the more seasoned servers and her boycott of the family business had put them in a tough spot with the tourist season in full swing.

"I'll see you down stairs in five," Anna instructed and ran out of the room, sending a clear message she wasn't going to be baited into a fight.

Kiara rolled her eyes and pulled on the t-shirt. She dreaded the shift but knew she would at least be able to keep herself busy with orders and tables. There wouldn't probably be time to talk with anyone, let alone have a full conversation with her dad while the lunch rush was going.

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