76. Don't Cry

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Keep on makin' me cry
You don't know what you do to me
Hey, hey, yeah
I never needed you like I do right now
I never needed you like I do right now
I never hated you like I do right now
Cause all you ever do is make me
-Noah Cyrus and Labrinth

When they arrive at the hospital Kiara and Shoupe go to the emergency room and head towards the check in desk.

"We need to see JJ Maybank, he's seventeen, has blond hair," Shoupe starts. "He had an accident at the surfing competition down at Cocoa Beach, he should have been brought in seconds go, we were right behind the ambulance."

Broke more than a few traffic laws to do so too.

The nurse, a petite woman in baby blue scrubs, gives them an exaggerated head nod with a wide eyed expression as Shoupe explains the situation. Kiara thinks her reaction is a bit over the top but when she turns to Shoupe she notices that he's rambling, and a little less in control than he was at the beach.

"Are you his dad?" the nurse asks, needing to know the relation before she gives any information.

Fucking HIPAA.

"Yes," Shoupe confirms immediately, then correcting himself a little, "I'm his foster father. I can call his caseworker if you need confirmation but we're not from Florida, we're just here for a surf competition, we live in North Carolina, I'm sorry, I don't have anything to prove it but I'm allowed to make his medical decisions and—."

"Okay, okay," the nurse says, raising a palm to indicate to Shoupe that she understands what he wants. "Just let me go get you some information, okay?" she de-escalates compassionately. "Can I have your name sir?"

"Victor Shoupe," he responds, shaking his head like he can't believe he forgot to give that information. "For JJ Maybank," he repeats.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

He nods and the nurse encourages them to take a seat. They both stare at her blankly. How the fuck are they supposed to sit down right now? When the nurse disappears behind the doors to the triage area, the two simply stand.

Shoupe takes a few steps and puts his hand on his head, unsure of what else there is left to do. He has nothing to distract himself with. He can't order around an ER like he did that excuse of a medical tent, and Kiara's pretty sure that the nurse thinks he's about to have a break down. He looks like it if she's being honest.

By the time the nurse comes back Shoupe's started to pace. When he sees her he immediately goes to the desk. She meets his eye and gives a tight lipped smile.

"Okay, Victor, he's here and stable," she informs, handing Shoupe a clip board and pen. "I just need you to fill out a few forms for us, okay? They still need time with him before I can bring you back."

"Is he awake?" Kiara asks. The nurse looks to Shoupe, seeking confirmation that giving that information is allowed.

Shoupe looks up from the paperwork, quickly glancing to Kiara and then the nurse. "Is he?"

"No," she says.

"Is he okay?" Kiara presses.

"I can't tell you a lot more, I'm sorry. You'll have to speak to the attending physician. He can give you more information," the nurse says, wanting to be helpful but also not wanting to speak beyond her authority level.

"Thank you," Shoupe says, smiling briefly, understanding the chain of command. The nurse leaves them to complete the paperwork.

Shoupe takes an open seat on one of the chairs in the waiting area and continues filling in the required information on the forms.

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