93. Heart Eyes Emoji

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Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms
And your heart's against my chest
Your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes
But they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget
I'm in love now
-Ed Sheeran

The start of November was much harder than either JJ or Kie wanted it to be. At least initially. Mike surprisingly didn't tell Anna about her coming home high, but that didn't mean she was in the clear. He gave her a couple more shifts at the Wreck and a thorough lecture about her future that ended with the threat that he wouldn't keep the next time a secret from his wife.

Despite the relief she felt at not being kept from JJ, Kie kept having nightmares and one or two panic attacks that JJ was around for. There were days when she would grip his hand when someone would come up to them at school and ask about his accident. Or when they were at the boneyard and the waves roared a little louder than her ears could shut out, and they'd leave to retreat into the quiet so she could calm her thoughts and intrusive memories.

JJ did all he could think of to do for her to get her through it. He remained calm and patient. Didn't make it a big deal when she needed to climb into his arms in the middle of the night or wanted him within eye sight any time they were together.

In all honesty, he didn't mind the attention. He knew he was obsessed with her, and her reciprocating neediness turned him on a bit. Though that wasn't something he was gonna bring up to her. Didn't want her to feel self conscious about it, because he knew she would. She absolutely hated feeling needy or clingy, and any reminder of her being any degree closer in that direction with him could push her away to avoid that perception. So, he said nothing about it.

Really only took about a week for things to shift for her. He remembers the first morning they woke up and she didn't have a nightmare. He couldn't help the happy grin and she playfully pushed his face away, asking why he was staring as she checked herself for drool and unruly hair. He shrugged, not wanting to bring attention to her progress before she noticed it herself.

She did eventually. Told him it was fine for him to sleep in his own bed one night, and he reluctantly agreed. Wasn't a super fan of leaving her, but knew it was best to follow her lead.

He trusted that she would be honest with him if she did need him. Another welcome shift. She didn't stop opening up. Answered every question he asked and even volunteered information unprompted.

It made it really hard to keep his hands off her. Never knew emotional openness was such a turn on, but that's exactly what he discovered. And so did everyone else.

"Oh my God," John B rolls his eyes. "You still have a room here, JJ. Use it."

The pogues were all at the chateau, surrounding the bonfire they had built and huddling under blankets to avoid the chill of the night air. Inner circle only tonight, not the massive party that was thrown weeks ago by any stretch. It was these moments that all the pogues treasured regardless. Being together, just the five of them.

JJ and Kie were sharing one of the lawn chairs, her happily abandoning her seat next to him in favor of sitting on his lap the second he suggested it. Under the cover of blankets JJ's hands wondered over her hips, gripping possessively, but it wasn't the lack of being able to hand check that causes John B to whine about the PDA, rather the fact that JJ was openly kissing into her pulse point directly in front of him.

JJ flips him off. "Whatever, Bree," he laughs, kissing Kie's shoulder in an act of defiance.

Kie blushes, making a move to crawl out of his lap. JJ keeps his hold on her hips, stopping her departure. She giggles, looking back at his determined face to not have her anywhere he can't reach her.

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