13. Here we go, kid

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Tell you something this is not your fault
Cuz everybody falls but
Baby it's just hard when you're young

Shoupe had waited for JJ to turn up after school. He wasn't necessarily surprised JJ didn't respond and he was even less surprised that he didn't show up right away after school. He expected his rather direct request to be met with normal opposition and that JJ would turn up a couple hours later.

The clock hit six and Shoupe expected JJ to make it home for dinner. Not that Shoupe was gonna win Master Chef but he could whip up a few burgers on the grill pretty good and JJ never once complained about the quality of what was put in front of him.

So when he wasn't back as he usually was Shoupe pulled out his cell to check in, just asking when he planned to be back.

He didn't get a response.

Another half hour went by and he decided that, perhaps, explaining the reason he needed him home would prompt the Maybank kid to head back.

Another unanswered message.

By eight Shoupe had become irritated and he fired off a what are you doing text. The second he sent it he regretted it. It read like he was upset and he knew JJ wouldn't respond well to that kind of authoritarian tone.

Around nine Shoupe figured that he wasn't returning for the night. He didn't like the unsettling feeling that this wasn't normal. Maybe a couple months ago but JJ had settled in. He didn't pull this shit anymore. At least he hadn't since spring break.

Shoupe sent a final request for JJ to confirm his safety. At a minimum he would tell him that. Shoupe had made that clear, his safety was his responsibility. It was rule number one.

Again, JJ did not reply.

Shoupe shook his head as he headed out to search for him. He swung by the chateau first but it was empty, unbeknownst to Shoupe that John B was at Sarah's that night. He made a quick stop by the Maybank's old shack but found it untouched. He headed towards the break, the boneyard, the Marina, and Heyward's but he was nowhere.

He was running out of places for JJ to be on the small island. Then it hit him. Shoupe almost kicked himself for not thinking of it straight out. Kiara Carrera. If there was anyone that kid was gonna be with it was gonna be her.

Shoupe turned down his street, heading north towards Figure 8. The Carrera household wasn't far from his own home and he'd have to pass his place to get to it.

"Could've saved so much gas," he mutters to himself still internally berating himself.

He comes up on his house and almost drove by before the silhouette of two teenagers standing in front of his door caught his eye. He slammed more than softly put the brakes on. He saw them turn at the noise and sudden stop.

A breath of relief swept over him as he made out the face he was looking for.


JJ was a ball of nerves as they winded through Figure 8 and towards Shoupe's place. He used Kie's grip around his torso as an anchor, keeping him present. She would occasionally tighten her hold, to remind him she was there. God, he was so thankful she was.

They climbed the few steps up to the door. The outside light was on and so was the kitchen and living room lights. They didn't want to be creepy and peek in the windows so they had no idea if Shoupe was asleep or awake.

JJ didn't want to just walk in like he had been the better part of the last two months he was here. He suddenly felt like he didn't belong.

You ruin everything

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