39. Worst case scenario

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Oh, and she hits like ecstasy
Comes up and bangs the sense out of me
It's wrong but surely worse to leave
She hits like ecstasy
So free up the cheaper seats
Here comes a Greek tragedy
-The Wombats

Kiara slowly wakes up as she hears noise coming from downstairs. Her parents are awake and getting ready to leave for the Wreck. She can hear plates being cleared from breakfast and voices carrying up the stairs. Normal morning routines in full swing.

She goes to turn but finds resistance pushing against her back. She smiles when she realizes that JJ is still hugging her body tightly from behind, spooning her.

She breathes deep, loving his arms around her. He felt like a weighted blanket, wrapping her up and making her feel safe in his warm embrace. She listens to his easy breathing, still completely relaxed in his sleep. She wants every morning to be like this.

Last night was amazing. She's glad JJ stayed. It's the first real good night sleep she's had in weeks, knowing that he's safely beside her and she doesn't need to leave him in the middle of the night. He didn't stir or wake in terror either, which thinking back on the decision to have him stay knowing that was a possibility, was a huge risk seeing as her parents were down the hall and would definitely have heard. All the same, he stayed and she wouldn't want it any other way, risks be damned.

Her mind plays the words back again, something feeling off about them. He stayed. Her heart rate picks up at the realization that didn't come until she was more awake. The idea that they could be caught, since he didn't leave yet and the entire house is alive with movement replaced her comfort. It was one thing to be here at night and another in broad daylight with her parents in the house.

She looks to the door and lets the panic melt away as she remembers that it's still locked, and her parents are downstairs. She embraces the sharp cold relief as the knowledge that she doesn't work this morning washes over her. She closes her eyes, as she doesn't need to wake up and the chances of her parents waking her up are almost zero.


There is a harsh knock on her door and a jiggle of the handle. Thank God the lock holds.

"Kiara? Are you up?" Anna's voice asks from the other side of the door.

Kiara's eyes fly open and she almost elbows JJ in the face as she leaps out of the bed, ripping free from his grasp. Shit, she's still naked. She looks behind her at a very sleepy JJ, blinking harshly and trying to orient himself after being thrown awake by her abruptness.

She covers his mouth before he can say anything out loud and gives his presence away. All he does is look her up and down shamelessly and she can feel him smirk from behind her hand. She pops her eyes out at him and indicates to the door with a sharp nod of her head. His eyes go wide when Anna again tries the doorknob, finally getting the situation.

He throws the covers off and fuck, he's naked too. This is the worst-case scenario.

"She still asleep?" they hear Mike ask Anna from behind the barely locked door. They lock eyes in wide-eyed terror.

Nope. She was wrong. This is the worst-case scenario.

"Kie, are you up? Why is the door locked?" Anna asks with suspicion or concern, Kie can't tell right now, lacing her voice.

JJ falls as he's trying to get his boxers on as quickly as humanly possible and Kie stutters out a response to cover for the thud of his body hitting the floor.

"Ye, yeah! Just getting dressed, don't come in I'm naked!"

JJ fights a laugh as he gathers up the rest of his clothing that's been thrown around the room from last night. She is actually still naked and making no effort to get dressed in her panic. He tosses her his shirt from the night before and she pulls it over her head, grabbing her underwear off the floor and sliding them back on.

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