72. Give me your hand

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Am I really mine, are you really yours
If all your emotion cuts straight to my core
Times when you cry, I feel it all
Whenever you leave me I wait for your call
You are all I'm living for
-Dove Cameron, Khalid

The pair quickly make an exit out of the restaurant. Well, JJ forces them make an exit. Kie would probably have stayed for round three if he'd not pulled her out of there. He could hardly believe what the hell he just witnessed. Not really that surprising Kie fought back, fuck even he's been on the receiving end of her backlash when a less than pc comment was made in jest but,

"Holy shit, Kie!" he exclaims as they speed walk down the street. "You straight up punched him in the face and threw alcohol on the wound!" She huffs out an adrenaline filled laugh, JJ's proud remarks bring a smile to her face. "Like, I cannot tell you how awesome that was," he continues, nearly running into someone on the side walk when he is more focused on her then where he's going. So in awe he doesn't really care. "Honestly that's top five hottest things you've ever done."

She barks a laugh, unable to keep in her amusement. "Only top fi—ah," she cuts herself off as she's running her hand through her hair and winces from a sharp pain in her hand.

Shit. Hitting someone in the face actually hurts a lot. This wasn't the first time she punched someone though. Hitting Jade didn't hurt like this? She shakes it off. Comparatively, she was really trying to nail Daniel good. Her anger was not for show.

He was an asshole for the things he was saying and trying to pick a fight. Well, he got one.

"Wait, lemme see," JJ says, grabbing her arm and pulling them to a stop on the side of the road. He inspects her badge of honor under the dim lights of a dying street light, expecting to see a couple bruised or scraped knuckles. "Did you tuck your thumb?" he scolds.

"No!" she says with offense. Then twists her face in pain. "Maybe."

The boys had mildly taught her some offensive moves when they were younger. They were just trying to show off, thinking that watching a couple Jackie Chan movies made them black belts all of a sudden. She'd at the time claimed they were dumbasses that didn't know more than Sponge Bob about real martial arts, but that didn't mean that all of the advice was stupid.

"Never grip your thumb, Kie!" he chastises. "Lucky you didn't break it."

"I'm sorry, I was too busy kicking ass to think about your gold star techniques," she quips, echoing his proud tone from a few minutes ago.

JJ wasn't the only one happy with her performance. It'd pissed her off how much Daniel was trying to goad JJ on. Trying to entrap him into picking a fight. The misogynistic comments and actually witnessing Daniel trying to use her like an object to get what he wanted really pushed her over the edge. It felt so good to react. To stand up in a way the prick wasn't expecting. She'd do it again and wouldn't change a thing.

"Well, you should have," he says, wincing himself when he gives her the prognosis. "You dislocated it, baby."

Okay maybe she would do one thing differently.

"What!" Her eyes find her hand as JJ lifts it to her view, even more gingerly than he had before.

She stares at her hand. She hadn't noticed before, but the bone that should be connected to her joint is now resting in a spot it definitely does not belong, slid up onto another bone at the base of her hand. It was also starting to hurt a lot more as the adrenaline fueled high faded and her eyes began to send the message to her brain that her thumb was not supposed to look like that. Kie wasn't really one for being squeamish but she was starting to feel a little light headed the longer she looked at it.

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