37. Worth It

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Oh brother, we go deeper than the ink
Beneath the skin of our tattoos
No, we don't share the same blood
You're my brother and I love you, that's the truth

JJ  was at the chateau, hanging with John B and Pope. Between work, therapy, and Kie he hasn't had a lot of time with just his brothers. They've been busy too, in fairness. Pope was doing deliveries for his dad every day and John B was able to swing a job at the country club as a waiter. So, on the rare day they had off at the same time where the girls weren't present, they made the most of it.

And by the most of it, they meant crashing on the pullout smoking joints while stuffing their faces with pizza and watching TV. It was laziness to the max and they needed the break. Even Pope took a drag or two from the blunt being passed.

JJ was rolling the next joint on the coffee table when John B entered the room with beers in hand, tossing one to Pope and offering another to JJ. He grabbed it before returning to rolling.

"So, Kiara's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carrera," John B says to confirm what he was told. "Want you, JJ Maybank and boyfriend of their daughter, to come over for dinner?"

JJ doesn't look up from his rolling. "Yup, pretty much."

"Why?" Pope asks.

JJ had just finished telling the guys about the strange invitation Mike had extended to Kie, to have him over. It was super rude if he thought about it. Like, he was right there. If the invitation was really for him he would have asked him. Nah. This wasn't for him.

JJ licks the paper, sealing the freshly rolled joint. He sits up and falls back into the pullout next to them, lighting it and taking a long drag before answering.

"I mean, Kie thinks it's Mike trying to make good with her." JJ passes the joint to John B. "Guess she kinda told him she's not forgiving him for what he did or whatever."

"You gonna do it?"

"I don't know," he laments. "I don't see how it'll make anything better." All their recent interactions had been nothing other than hostile so if there was anything to be said about history repeating itself, this would be a great example.

"I mean, being on good terms with your girlfriend's parents isn't a bad thing," John B comments while cocking his head to the side.

JJ scoffs. "What, should I just pretend he didn't literally tear us apart for a month?"

JJ honestly was having a hard time accepting the offer. Hasn't even given Kie an answer yet and it's been three days. The invitation felt fake and hallow. He knew how they felt about him, why should he pretend to be oblivious to it? Nope, he's had enough fake kooks judging him to last a lifetime.

"I didn't say that," John B says. "Just, makes it easier when there's some trust, you know?"

"I'm sorry, didn't Sarah's dad try and kill you?" JJ retorts.

John B gives a nod, conceding to that point but still continues. "Rose is who we have to keep happy now. And when we do, we get to see each other whenever we want."

John B passes the joint to Pope but he declines, having had enough for the time being. "Look, it feels superficial and phony but if you got on with them a little they may not give her such a hard time."

JJ takes the joint and tilts his head back as he blows out the drag. There was a point being made. Kie obviously got the tougher end of her parents. He felt guilty for that, honestly. That he's been such a point of tension. Would sharing a meal really change that though?

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