49. Totally screwing up

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Let go on the wheel, it's the bullet lane
Now I'm seeing red, not thinking straight
Blurring all the lines, you intoxicate me
-Camila Cabello

How does a boyfriend know when he's totally screwing up with his girlfriend? That is the question on John B's mind as he sways in the hammock at the chateau. It's a breezy day in the shade, perfect for lounging and he can't help but think about last nights movie outing. Eventful, maybe not to an outsider looking in. But it sure was to him. Like watching a plane crash and the pilot doesn't even know it was going down.

John B was one hundred percent sure that JJ was fucking up with Kie.

Having a girlfriend for over a year himself, John B had become familiar with consistent screw ups leading to disappointed looks and angry fights with Sarah. Came with the territory of being in a relationship so it wasn't like he was judging. Sometimes you just screwed up and people got hurt. Most of the time it isn't purposeful. Everyone is just trying to do the best they can, but we're all human.

John B had learned to tell when Sarah was upset about something, even if she didn't say it. Girls don't hide their feelings too well. They're so used to expressing themselves that even when they say nothing their bodies betray them. They'll look down or away and their faces turn sour or look pained. It's like they can't help it. Sometimes they say nothing and that in itself is the give away, because girls talk. Especially the women in John B's life, Kie included.

So, when Samantha crashed their hangout, really by invitation of JJ, John B caught Kiara's hesitancy immediately. She wasn't the bubbly easy-going girl that she was not ten minutes prior. Like he said, she averted her eyes and got quiet. Movements were frozen except when she gave that horrible fake smile as Samantha sat down.

Kiara wasn't aware of it, but John B had been more than a little aware of her reactions to said girl already.

He saw how tense she got when Samantha came up to her at the semifinals. She was pleasant enough but whatever the conversation was, Kie didn't look to interested in having it. Then one of the days he was picking up food at the Wreck he happened to notice JJ and Samantha sitting at the bar top. It wasn't like anything nefarious was going on between them, but Kiara didn't seem too comfortable joining their conversation, standing awkwardly behind the counter, and forcing a smile while they joked about something that happened during the surf practice with Ben that morning.

When Samantha asked to lean against JJ's legs John B almost said something in jest just to bring attention to how awkward the request was. He was protective over her heart almost as much as Sarah's. She was the little sister he never had, and it killed him to glance over and watch her face drop in resignation when JJ acquiesced to Samantha's request, allowing her to rest against him. A hand on his leg from Sarah reminded him it wasn't his place, so he said nothing, but he didn't like it all the same.

But circling back to his original question, how the hell hadn't JJ figured out he was screwing shit up yet? It's not like Kiara isn't a direct person, almost certainly she's said something to him about it. She fucking decked a girl at a bone yard party over less and this seemed like it hurt way more. There was no way she hadn't said something. Maybe that's why she was so awkward around Samantha. Perhaps she was expecting JJ to do something, and he wasn't.

How could JJ ignore it? How could he just blow past her feelings like that? 

John B puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes, starting to drift off when he hears a motorbike ride up to the house. Speak of the fucking devil.

JJ strides over, completely oblivious to John B's pondering and resulting annoyance as he plops himself in the hammock, laying opposite of John B.

"Yo, sup?" he says with a sigh as he gets comfy in the hammock. John B keeps his face straight, just looking at his brother with an are you serious face. "What?" JJ asks, just now noticing John B's less than happy expression.

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