8. I saw it, John B

616 6 0

La la la la la
Yeah I met her at a One Oak
La la la la la
Now we at the same house party
La la la la la
If you wanna waste time baby
Waste your time with me in California
-Bryce Vine

Kie is trying to not look at JJ as she's perched against the far wall of the living room. She has an obvious view since the house is open concept and flows from the living room to the dinning area and then the kitchen.

She unwillingly thinks of their date last week, damn intrusive thoughts. It was the best date she's ever had. Watching the sunset and looking at the stars from a secret lookout point. It was romantic, fun, and adventurous. Perfect. And him touching her... The thought of it alone is enough to leave her wanting on the spot.

She's debating just pulling him into a room and kissing him senseless. She realizes how desperate that seems but this has to end somehow, why not by macking? Couldn't they just apologize with their lips and move on?

Doubt starts to cloud her though. If he's still pissed at her then that may not work. It would be humiliating actually if he were to reject that advance.

The other option is to sit pretty and hope he feels enticed enough to come over and talk to her first. She isn't getting hopeful about that though. While she's definitely noticed that he's been subtly making glances her way, he hasn't moved from the beer pong table. It feels like he's digging his heels in actually. She can literally see him grip the table at one point when his eyes make their way to her direction.

Kiara huffs in frustration. He's not moving any more than she is going to. She looks around for Sarah but she seems to have made her way to the patio to chill with John B and Pope. She can see her sitting in John B's lap through the window. Kiara hesitates. She doesn't want to leave but she's starting to feel like an idiot just standing against the wall.

She glances over to where JJ is one more time before heading to the patio area but her view is becoming obstructed by a guy in a white polo shirt. His hair is combed over and neatly styled to his head. He looks like a ken doll. She's more into the crazy surfer type.

"Hey," he smiles boldly. "I'm Derek, who are you?"

"Ahh Kiar--" she starts but is interrupted by a guy bumping into her. He apologizes profusely and she tells him it's all good, it was clearly an accident. She turns her attention back to Derek who's now standing much closer.

"What are you drinking?" He asks, encouraging her with a cheers motion, knocking his drink to hers and taking a swig of his own.

She's about to take a sip when a furious voice answers the question for her.

"Not this," JJ says, taking the drink from her hand and throwing it directly in Derek's face. He's quick to follow up the move with blow after blow to Derek's face, tackling him to the floor as he does so.

Suddenly people are screaming and moving out of the way. It's like the bar fight from weeks ago but this time JJ is unrelenting, continuing to land punches and not giving Derek a chance to fight back.

Kie has no idea what is going on or why JJ is reacting this way. Was he jealous? That can't possibly be the reason. It's way out of proportion to what they were doing, but why on earth would he be doing this otherwise? She's yelling for him to stop but it's like he has tunnel vision and can't hear her.

John B and Pope spot JJ's assault on the tourist from the patio and are quick to rush into the house to intervene. They are barely able to pull him off the dude and are frantically looking from JJ back to the bloody mess on the floor as they struggle to keep him in check.

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