110. Kissing him

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Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
And I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
-Always Mirin

The rest of the week continues in what feels like a whirl wind pace. Kie was thrown into shift after shift at the Wreck. It was Mike's way of keeping an eye on her since she had proven herself "untrustworthy" in regard to telling them her comings and goings honestly. It's exhausting and by the end of every night she's basically dead on her feet.

She's only able to see JJ at school. She's grounded from seeing her friends outside of that, and neither of them wanted to push it with their respective adult authority figures by sneaking out of the house again or into the other's room in the middle of the night, and risk getting caught.

Instead Kie texts with the emergency phone and calls JJ while she's in the safety of her closet, sound being muffled by her clothes and a shut door. She eventually does get her real phone back at the end of the week, with a harsh warning and another serious conversation about her safety and how they expected her to behave in that respect moving forward.

The Carrera parents were furious over Luke's attack on their only child, and had spoken at length with Shoupe and the district attorney representing the case. Shoupe wasn't much happier, agreeing completely that the max penalty should be enforced on the man who's had far too many chances to redeem himself in the eyes of the law.

The decision was much swifter than most cases, primarily because Shoupe and the well known Carrera Kooks were pressuring said prosecutor from the jump to have an answer for charges and court dates. In the quick end, Luke was offered another deal, though it was far less generous than the one he was originally given.

He agreed to five years of detention in exchange for his guilty plea, and the prosecution would lower the charge of attempted murder to felony assault of a child and violation of a protection order. He could get out in three years with good behavior, but by then JJ and Kiara would both be adults and well into their own futures. He'd be left behind even more so than he already was and they would be safe.

At first Kiara was pissed that that was the best the justice system could do, but she became less upset when she saw how relieved JJ was by the outcome. He didn't care how long Luke got put away. He just wanted to be able to live his life without the constant interference.

Knowing that it was truly well over left him with stunned relief that was almost hard to imagine.

So, you can imagine that by the end of the week both teens were more than chomping at the bit to reduce stress and blow off steam. A long awaited opportunity to release pent up tension and angst into something teenage and stupid.

Pogue Chat
Kie: Whoop whoop I'm free!
Sarah: Thank God!
Sarah: ...boneyard a go?
JJ: I'm picking her up so that's a yes
Pope: Glad you're back!
John B: JJ can you pick me up too
JJ: No
John B: Come on!

Kiara rolls her eyes before closing out of the chat, knowing it's just going to be rounds of JJ and John B going at it for superiority, and starts to get ready for JJ to pick her up.


JJ is getting ready in his room. It's been a minute since he's been to a boneyard party, or hung out with the Pogues at all. What with the sneaking around to track down Luke for nearly two weeks and then Shoupe basically grounding him for all intents and purposes. Which was crazy in its own right.

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