85. He loves you

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I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night
Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust
-The Weekend

"Come 'ere," JJ beckons, pulling Kie into him. His lips grazed her neck, smooth and soft as his hand comes up to cup her face.

She feels herself swell with emotion and a need to have him near. She pushes him backwards into her bed, following him immediately. His hands griping her tightly. He finds her lips and kisses her deeply, turning over so he's on top of her. She doesn't mind this change in position, the weight of his body a comforting pressure.

It doesn't last though. The entire moment is gone before she can even blink.

Suddenly she's not in her bedroom, making out with JJ, but on the beach at Rixon's Cove. She's alone, looking at the swells. She hears a shout from behind her and turns. She's not alone anymore. People are everywhere, crowding her. She pushes through, with a horrible, sinking feeling in her gut that something is wrong. 

She's felt this way before.

She bursts through the crowd, eyes finding the source of the commotion. There JJ lays in the sand, lifeless. No one is helping him, he's just laying there. She screams his name, demanding he wakes up, and tries to get to him but can't. It's like her feet are lead or she's asleep or paralyzed.

She knows he's dead. That's what she's looking at. She doesn't have to reach him to know that. He's gone.

She lost him.

Kiara shoots up from her bed, gasping for breath. She feels like she's choking on the air she can get, and turns the small bedside lamp on. She clutches her chest, trying to take deep breaths to steady her racing heart. She can feel the sweat making her shirt cling to her back. It was like she just broke a fever or something.

She's been waking up with a variation of that nightmare the last three days. Made her want to puke. No matter what she did, yoga, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation; nothing helped. It just kept happening and she didn't know what to do about it.

The only thing that had made any difference was staying the night with JJ, and that was strictly off the table right now. So suffer, she does.

She pants as she reaches for her phone, looking at the time. 4:18 AM. It was way too early to be getting up but there was no chance she was getting back to sleep with the amount of adrenaline running through her body.

Instead she gets up and decides to make a very early morning out of it by going for a jog. Kiara isn't the biggest fan of physical exercise that wasn't surfing, but what the hell else does she have to do.

She throws on a pair of jogging leggings and t-shirt, laces up her rarely worn running shoes and heads out the door.

She hits the pavement and automatically starts to look around. Kildare was relatively safe, especially in Figure Eight, but that's always what girls in serial killer shows think right before they are attacked by someone lurking in the shadows. She keeps her eyes vigilant, it is basically the middle of the night right now.

Her house is on the verge of Figure Eight so it's not long before she takes a turn and is heading towards the suburbs.

She doesn't even realize she's heading straight for JJ's house before it suddenly comes into view. She shakes her head as she approaches, it's occupants still remaining asleep in their beds. She stops short and decides to turn around, heading back towards Fight Eight.

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