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I'm not givin' up
I'm not givin' up, givin' up
No not me
Even when nobody else believes
I'm not goin' down that easily
So don't give up on me
-Andy Grammer

JJ leaves the break pissed off. He didn't feel like Kie was being fair. It was a difference of two days. He could probably walk into an urgent care right now and they'd tell him he's fine. What does it matter if he feels fine?

She acts like he's got no sense at all sometimes. For real, he thought he was doing pretty good with letting her tell him what to do and taking it easy. Mainly just chilled with her for half a month like God, what did she expect? Him to never surf again?

And he knows that there is something more to her coming over every night. She didn't do that until they got back from Florida. Her stubborn ass isn't gonna admit it now though. Least not for a minute.

He knew he was being a dick at the end of the argument. He knew she hated being dismissed and his attitude definitely was was veering on the condescension side.

Doesn't feel like storming off was the best choice on her part, but he can't say he wouldn't do the same if she acted like an asshole. Either way, he wasn't the one in the wrong on this. At some point he had to live his life and she needed to let him.

He rides up to the his house, pulling into the driveway and looking back at Darcy's car that's parked in the street.

"And here we go," he comments to himself.

Of course, Darcy was here. This was it. She's gonna tell him that he's seeing Luke. Makes sense now why Shoupe didn't say shit to him. Probably was told not to. Darcy probably felt like she needed to talk to him about it, being his case worker and all.

He heads in and does his best to pretend like he's surprised to see Darcy sitting in her usual chair, Shoupe also in his favorite set up against the sink.

"Sup, Darc," he greets with a mustered smile. "What you doing here on a Saturday?"

"Hi, JJ," she smiles. "Why are your shorts wet?" she asks, allowing herself to be sidetracked.

He looks down at the damp attire.

"Went surfing," he shrugs. "Last minute."

Shoupe, cocks an eyebrow at him, clearly he'd be more aligned with Kie on that issue. He pushes thoughts of the curly haired girl to the side, rolling his eyes.

"I know, I know, Monday," he repeats.

"We have some things to talk about," Darcy says, turning the conversation towards the matter at hand.

JJ chuckles dryly, just getting into it then. He doesn't miss Darcy glance at Shoupe, who is still looking a little irritated. Probably with her. He wonders if he's gotten reprimanded again.

"Alright, shoot." Get this shit show over with.

To his surprise, Shoupe clears his throat, deciding to be the one to take the lead. 

"Luke has started challenging the protection order," he states. When JJ doesn't say anything the room shifts immediately into heaviness as they trade stares at each other. Shoupe continues, looking at the floor. "That doesn't mean it'll work."

The words are hopeful but the tone is flat. JJ doesn't get the impression Shoupe believes what he's saying.

"It won't," Darcy assures quickly, wanting to endorse the assurance. "The protection order will stay in place."

JJ eyes them both. It's weird being on the receiving end of a message you already know is coming.

He takes the opportunity to evaluate his guardians. Wants to see if he can pick out their tells if they lie to him.

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