120. Just be with me

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Lights are turned off
Music is on
Minds are unlocked
This feeling is amazing
Hands on your waist
Liquor is all that we taste
Your frеckles lead the way
I tracе your constellations
-Jade LeMac

JJ took about the coldest shower he's ever had when he gets back from Kie's house. Wasn't remotely sexual. He just needed to cool down, because God, he was pissed.

At himself, at Kie, at fucking Mike. At whoever could mind their own goddamn business in the first place. He was analyzing it over and over in his head. How the hell did Mike find out about the hickey? It wasn't noticeable with her hair down. She was smart enough to keep it covered, there was no way he saw it himself.

He guesses that's not the most important thing about it all, though. What was important was that he gave it to her at all. He knew she wasn't a fan of them. His own hickey experience in the summer pretty much nailed that down for him as something that she wasn't about.

And honestly, he wasn't really needing her to have one either. Not like it was a kink he had or anything, and he knew damn well that if her parents ever saw it that a situation exactly like this would occur. He could kick himself for being so careless to let it happen.

At the same time, it wasn't like he did it against her fucking will. She was in complete freaking bliss while they were having sex. She was moaning his name and rolling her hips into him and he swears she exposed her own neck to him like a welcome mat.

She didn't pull away when he got a little rougher, in fact, she got louder, pulling him to her and wanting more. He couldn't have been making that up in his head.

He curses, knowing that what matters was that he knew her position to start. He knows she isn't a fan of hickeys. He knew that when he was doing it, too, and for that, he isn't blameless. She was right in that sense. He should have stopped, or asked, or just not even went for it that way. Too wrapped up in his own fucking shit and now she was paying for it.

Him too, obviously. For sure Mike was planning his death right now. Probably bury him under the Wreck just for convience. Maybe keep his body in the freezer until he can rent a boat and dump him in the middle of the ocean.

He can't even blame the guy for being upset. It was a very clear sign of a very specific type of activity that no parent should ever see on their kid. And JJ knows that because no kid wants their parents to ever see something like that on them either.

God, how the hell was he supposed to get over this with her parents? There was no way they were going to let this just blow over.

He heard Kie fighting with Mike once he crawled in through her window. Yelling about how he had no business in her sex life, which was mortifying enough that he had that suspicion confirmed. Kie went round after round with Mike. They sparred back and forth with raised voices and biting words. JJ knows that she likes to fight with her parents, he's just never seen(or really heard) it like that.

It wasn't like he's never heard fights. Fuck, he has a lot of experience with them. Just wasn't used to them ending nonviolently after such a fierce screaming match.

Kie wasn't sorry in the slightest either. Made that clear at the dinner table. Didn't care whatsoever that the mark was there when Mike point blank asked her about it. Would have been the hottest thing he had ever seen if only it would have been only them in the room. It wasn't, unfortunately.

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