23. It's about JJ and your dad

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We all know I go too far
Like when I crashed your car
And almost fought your father when he pushed me in the yard
And all those nights we snuck out had to meet up at the park
Don't worry my love
We're learning to love
But it's hard when you're young

JJ stood on the edge of the dock at the Marina, staring out at the water for a few minutes, just collecting his thoughts.

The rest of the meeting with Darcy had went fine and she was quickly on her way when she felt confident that everyone was on the same page about where JJ would be staying. Not that he felt like it would make a difference if he objected, which he didn't, but Shoupe's was what everyone agreed to.

Now he had to start cleaning up his mess. Starting with employment. He had just successfully talked his way into getting his job back.

It was kind of embarrassing going back and admitting he was sticking around and begging for the job but that's what he needed to do. Being flakey didn't really work well for Pogues hired by kooks but they needed the help more than ever in the summer season, so he was able to get it back with a bit of charm, light groveling, and a promise not to be so rash before quitting again.

Jesus, he really didn't realize how impulsive he was until Shoupe said he was staying. All of a sudden, he realized what he'd done on multiple levels.

First, he'd broken up with Kie, and that wasn't truly impulsive, fine, that took a lot of agonizing thought. But then he decided to leave and tell the Pogues and quit his job before he even knew where he was going. God, what a mess of pain for everyone.

It was like watching a car crash in slow motion and thinking if only the driver was more patient, looked before going, or put on the brakes a little faster then disaster could have been avoided.

He's on his way to tell the Pogues that he's staying next, figuring they'll be awake by now and that he needs to tell them in person. Not exactly a Pogue chat conversation. He feels like an asshole but hopefully they'll forgive him for it if he brings beer.

He has no idea what he's going to do about Kie, that situation is so different than the rest of the Pogues, obviously. She's texted him a million times since last night, but he still can't bring himself to read the messages. He knows what she's saying. She wants him to stay, she wants him to tell her what's going on, she wants him to cut the shit and just be with her again.

Shoupe promised to talk with him about it after he got off work that night, as there was no time after Darcy left. He didn't know what the guy expected be done but what the hell, he needed all the help he could get.

Still, his mind wondered to try and find a solution himself. He got himself into this mess he wanted to figure it out. He couldn't avoid her, forever. Well, maybe he could for the summer. He didn't need to stay at the chateau and he could easily leave any other place should she seek him out.

His mind wonders into dangerous territory with the thought of just coming clean. He seriously wants to tell her the truth, it would be so much easier if he did, but he's terrified about what Mike would do if he were to find out.

"Maybank," a deep voice cuts through the air causing him to turn. You know what they say, speak of the devil and all.

"Mr. Carrera," he says taking a step back in surprise. He straightens himself up as Mike approaches him. The guy looks pissed.

"I told you to stay away from my daughter," he spits.

"I am," JJ says in confusion.

"Oh really, so you weren't with her last night."

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