83. Screw you, JJ

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I will fight
I will fight for you
I always do, until my heart
Is black and blue
And I will stay
I will stay with you
We'll make it to the other side
Like lovers do
-Andy Grammer

JJ rides up to Rixon's, hopping off his bike. He can see John B and Pope in the water, riding the swells at their favorite surf spot. The end of surf season was definitely upon them. The air was getting colder as November approached, and the water was also dropping in temperature.

Could see more wetsuits amongst the surfers who weren't ready to give it up quite yet. Most were unwilling to brave the waters without one this time of year.

That wasn't John B and Pope though. JJ either for that matter. Probably would use them if they could afford it but at this point, they were used to the cooling temps, so no one bothered to save money for one.

The boys spot JJ on shore as they head back, ready to call it a day.

"What's up, man?" John B calls, initiating the Pogue handshake when they reach him.

They start to dry off and it's not lost on them the look that's in JJ's eyes. He's staring at the water like it's cheating on him.

"Two weeks without surfing," Pope comments. "That's gotta be a record."

It was. At least it was during the months you could surf out there. Winter was the worst for JJ just because of that alone. He usually surfed more than half the days of the week, even more since he was introduced to Ben. Hardly a day that went by that he didn't hit the waves.

Honestly, these last two weeks had been horrible not being able to go out. More so the last week since he'd actually been feeling up to going out.

Doctor's orders though. They were pretty strict on him taking it easy, not to mention Kie and Shoupe. Shoupe gave him a warning look when was in the hospital and promptly put away his board to some far corner of the garage to deter him from seeing it in his room and feeling the itch.

Of course the beach wasn't something he could stuff in the garage and so JJ standing there wasn't helping that desire.

"Don't remind me," JJ groans. "Just a few more days though, I'll get the all clear on Monday."

His follow up was approximately forty one hours and twenty seven minutes and he was ready. All his symptoms had pretty much faded at this point. No more constant headaches or sensitivity to light, though he plans on keeping the black out curtains. He'll be out there soon.

"Where's Kie?" John B questions, looking around the beach like he expected her to be floating around picking up trash that's washed up on shore. Not a far stretch of what she could be doing if she were here.

JJ sighs. Kie had been practically attached to his hip the last week. Sneaking into his room, taking him to school, hanging out in between. And no, he didn't mind it. What he was concerned about was the reason. 

"She's pissed at me," he confesses.

"What'd you do?" Pope assumes.

JJ scoffs, kicking the sand as he says, "Nothing actually, it's just a misunderstanding."

John B and Pope exchange a look.

"What?"JJ says, getting defensive.

John B chuckles, not believing him in the slightest. "What did you do?"

JJ sighs dramatically, looking up at the sky. Then he looks back towards the swells. God he could really use some time out there right now. All the shit that's going on has him in desperate need of a wave.

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