73. Distraction

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You're the light, you're the night
Your the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch...
So love me like you do, la-la -love me like you do
Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do
Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?
-Ellie Goulding

Shoupe had texted earlier and told JJ that he was going to be back a little later than he planned. Apparently, the guy had hit it off with some people at the sports bar he was at and was enjoying a night of hanging around people his own age. JJ didn't want to ruin his night so he just gave a thumbs up, showing Kie and laughing a little. She didn't find the same humor in the emoji.

JJ splinted up her thumb with a complementary hotel pen and electrical tape that the front desk was able to provide. Far as materials go, it could have been worse. They'd be able to get the first aide kit Shoupe kept in the truck when he got back and make it a little less redneck tomorrow.

He's gone to put a change of clothes on in his room, leaving Kie to get herself ready for bed as well. He brushes his teeth and throws on a new pair of sweats and t-shirt. He heads back into her room, hearing a confusing combination of grunts, frustrated moans, and huffs of anger. When he gets through the door he sees she's managed to pull her shirt off, but hasn't put on a new one, leaving her in a neon pink bralette. She's trying to pull off her bottoms, but without the ability to use her thumb her tight as fuck skinny jeans are giving her problems.

JJ tries not to smirk as he leans against the threshold. She looks so cute. "Need help?"

Kie palms the side of her head with her good hand, a bead of sweat pooling on her brow that she casually wipes off. She gives him an annoyed look and he raises his hands in surrender. She continues to struggle against the tight fabric.

When she actually tries to use her busted hand to assist in the process, trying to only use her fingers to do so and failing, he steps in. Mild frustration is amusing, seeing her face twist up in pain was not. Besides, he wants to help her out.

Plus, he also recognizes that it's probably pain that's got her so worked up to begin with. Two extra strength Tylenol probably weren't the godsend the hotel staff thought they were. Only downside of not going to the ER. No real pain meds.

"Stop, stop, stop," he motions, placing hands on her wrists, being mindful of her injury. "Just let me help, Kie," he says softly.

Something about his insistent tone cuts through her irritated mood and she relents, huffing out a breath and nodding her head to give permission. She hates feeling useless. She would almost rather suffer though using her bad hand to do things herself, but she knows there's no way JJ would allow that. He's been so tender since he saw her hand.

She'd like to cry with fondness at how gently JJ drops to his knees, unbuttoning the jeans, and carefully pulling them down her legs. She steps out of them, leaving her standing in only her bra and underwear. He's not even making a joke about getting her out of her pants, literally.

He looks up at her. "You're still in a lot of pain," he guesses more than asks, face full of compassion. Kie doesn't answer him.

When he stands back up she catches him off guard, bringing her good hand to his neck and pulling him into her for a kiss. He grins against her mouth, one hand finding her waist and the other cupping her cheek.

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