17. Fallout

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Yeah you messed me up when you cut me loose
Lost my mind with you
I'ma need some therapy
How did we go from being the perfect two
To strangers in a room?
I'ma need, I'ma need some therapy

Kiara is lying on her bed in the hotel. She's flipping through Instagram when she sees a message from JJ pop up at the top of her screen. She can read the whole message without even having to open it. Just four words.

We need to talk.

She glances at her parents, lounging on the furniture in their hotel suit. She quickly excuses herself, saying that she wants to go to the vending machine down the hall.

Anna gives her a quizzical look from over the top of her magazine but doesn't say anything.

Kiara leaves the room and walks down the outdoor hallway until she comes upon the vending machine and leans against it. The red Coca Cola pop machine reflects off her skin as she paces a minute before responding.

It's 12:38 AM in the Outer Banks right now. What could be so wrong that he would need to talk to her this late. Her stomach flies with scenarios of what could be wrong. Was someone hurt? Is fucking Rafe back?

She replies that she is free to talk whenever he is ready. She waits another ten minutes before she sees his contact photo appear on her screen. Her heart flies that he is calling her and she's suddenly nervous. They haven't spoken in over a week.

"Hey," she greets nervously. "Is everything okay?" She can hear a pause on the other end of the phone, longer than what is normal, especially for her not being the caller. "JJ, what's wrong?"

"I—" he starts but cuts himself off almost immediately. "I'm sorry, Kie."

"Sorry? For what, what happen—"

"I can't do this," he cuts her off. The words are rushed, like he's just trying to get them out as quickly as possible.

Kie's brow furrows, she's confused.

"Can't do what, Jayj?"

There's another long pause on the other end. Kie starts to feel a pain in her gut. The longer he goes without speaking the closer she is to realizing what's happening. Her mind starts to deny it. He's not ending this. He's not breaking up with her. That can't possibly be what this is. He fucking loves her.

"Jayj," she breathes. "What's going on?"

"I can't be with you."

"What do you mean you can't be with me?"

"I just, I need space okay," he pushes out. "It's too much, lately."

"I'm a thousand miles away and you've barely spoken to me!" she snaps. Her pain is turning into anger. He can't even come up with a better excuse than that?

Kiara hears a door open and shut down the hall and she lowers her voice, looking around before speaking so as to not be overheard.

"JJ, where is this coming from?"

"It's been there a while Kie, okay," he says. She can feel the frustration building in his tone as she continues to press him for an actual reason for this.

"So, what, you're just gonna sleep with me and then dump me?"

The words leave her mouth before she can think about them. She knows they aren't true. JJ wouldn't use her like that. He wouldn't pretend to be in love with her to just get in her pants. She's desperate to remind him of their connection though, and throwing that monumental detail out there is the only way she can think of to do it.

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