40. So in love it's crazy

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A/N just want to say thank you to everyone who is following this story so far! It's been a blast to write and you all are so amazing for reading. Here's to many more chapters cause I'm long winded hahaha please let me know what you think I love your feedback 😘
🖤 Lis

JJ heads to work and funnily enough he actually did get his Pelican Marina shirt back. Since there was no time for him to stop by his place and grab another, he just slipped on the one he pulled off of Kie last night and headed out with a smirk, giving a smug 'I told ya so' and throwing out a wink to match.

Of course, Kie just rolled her eyes, but her affectionate laugh gave her away. She wasn't really mad. Besides, they both knew it'd end up in her room again anyway, but it was fun to pretend he had any control over the items of clothing that seemed to disappear from his dresser.

He's walking down the dock. There isn't a cloud in the sky and the boats are all getting ready to leave for a day on the water. JJ looks out at the waves and sees a few locals and tourons surfing. He wishes he was there.

Surfing was more than a hobby or coping skill for JJ. It was a part of him, no more easily separated then when you combine sugar and salt. His happiest of early memories were being out on the waves. Even if he did eat shit the first few months, trying to keep up with the big kids.

When he was learning, and he had to be self-taught, he watched older surfers from the shore when the waves were too dangerous for him. He studied how they moved, lapping up any lesson he could pull and copying the movements in the sand.

He remembers taking his board and running out with the more experienced surfers when he was eleven. They were a group of locals that he'd been watching for a couple of years. The group was quick to tell him to hang back, these aren't the waves for a kid. Looking back the waves weren't that bad, but he guessed for a kid his size it put the locals on edge, not wanting to be responsible for him or blamed if he drowned.

JJ just ignored them, taking the first wave. He held his own for about fifteen seconds before he hit the water hard. He was quick to pop up and try again, though. All day he practiced, waiting his turn and taking his runs.

By the end of the day, one of the older women in the group came up to him and gave him an approving nod and pat on the back. "You got skill kid," she said. He watched her take her run and seeing her move made him swell with pride that such a complement was bestowed on him by such an experienced and skillful surfer.

JJ pushes the desire to dich work and just hit the waves out of his mind. He's on thin ice as it is after the last few weeks. When he checks in with Bill, his boss, he gets an eyeful at the noticeable mark on his neck. Bill doesn't mention it, but JJ gets the impression he's not impressed. Honestly though, he can't say anything. Not like it was against the dress code or whatever.

JJ's washing down one of the yachts when a couple of touron girls around his age walk past him. One whispers to the other while eying him up. He internally rolls his eyes. He once enjoyed having girls ogle him, especially at work. Made it way less boring and if he were lucky, he could convince them to come to the boneyard for a party, where they would hang out and hook up later.

That need for female attention quickly evaporated as things evolved with Kie. He didn't need, let alone want, to spend time with any other girl. Even before he and Kie were together he could say that. He only entertained other interests because he thought that door with Kie was closed. As his feelings went from flirty to somewhat serious he just stopped paying attention to other girls.

He keeps his head down, avoiding looking in their direction so he doesn't have to engage in conversation. Doesn't seem to matter. One of the tourons, a blonde with a bright orange bikini top takes her leave from her friend and comes up to him. "Hey, I'm Amanda."

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